
AS/COA Welcomes Bipartisan Senate Legislation for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

The bill introduced in the Senate would allow the United States to attract and retain the vibrant immigrant workforce that is critical to competitiveness.

New York, April 17, 2013 — Americas Society and Council of the Americas applaud today’s release of bipartisan Senate legislation to achieve comprehensive immigration reform. The bill would overhaul the U.S. immigration system so that the U.S. can continue to attract and retain the vibrant immigrant workforce that is critical to our competitiveness. This legislation recognizes the need for creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and for reforming the visa system to facilitate the entry of both high-skilled and essential workers while ensuring that immigration laws are enforced.

“The spirit of compromise reflected in this bill demonstrates the will and imperative for reform,” according to AS/COA President and CEO Susan Segal. Since 2007, Americas Society has established itself as a leader on immigration issues through its research, off-the-record roundtable meetings, and public forums in New York City and in new immigrant gateway cities across the country.

In February 2013, AS/COA formed an Immigration Advisory Group in anticipation of legislation moving forward this year.

Advisory group member Antonio Garza, a former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico and now counsel in the Mexico City offices of White & Case, called it a “solid, balanced bill” and noted that “bipartisan leadership is encouraging on an issue so fundamental to our future as a nation.” James Jones, who also served as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico and is now Chairman and CEO of ManattJones Global Strategies, was quick to point out that “as long as this bipartisan spirit continues, immigration reform can be passed and signed into law by the fall. Undocumented immigrants, employers, and the U.S. economy need it.”

At the same time, Arturo Sarukhan, Chairman of Global Solutions/A Podesta Company and former Mexican Ambassador to the U.S., emphasized that “the bill is a big step forward in the right direction. Few issues will have such a profound impact on the future prosperity, security, and well-being of the U.S. than getting this one right.” Walmart, also an advisory group member, said that it “applauds the progress on comprehensive immigration reform,” according to Leslie Dach, Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs, adding that he “believes reform will grow and strengthen our communities, our economy, and the American workforce.”

AS/COA, through its Get the Facts series, continues to raise public awareness of the economic contributions that immigrants bring to the United States, through business start-ups, job creation, tax revenue, new innovations, or ensuring a steady flow of workers as baby boomers retire. Regionally, AS/COA Director of Policy Jason Marczak notes that “passage of comprehensive immigration reform will go a long way in showing the U.S. role as a true economic partner with Latin America and the Caribbean.”

Read more about AS/COA's Hispanic Integration and Immigration Initiative.

For further information, please contact Adriana La Rotta at sends email) or (212) 277-8384.

Americas Society (AS) is the premier organization dedicated to education, debate and dialogue in the Americas. Established by David Rockefeller in 1965, our mission is to foster an understanding of the contemporary political, social and economic issues confronting Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada, and to increase public awareness and appreciation of the diverse cultural heritage of the Americas and the importance of the inter-American relationship.

Council of the Americas (COA) is the premier international business organization whose members share a common commitment to economic and social development, open markets, the rule of law, and democracy throughout the Western Hemisphere.


