Registration and Continental Breakfast: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.


Alvear Palace Hotel
Av. Alvear 1891
Buenos Aires
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast


Registration and Continental Breakfast: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.


Alvear Palace Hotel
Av. Alvear 1891
Buenos Aires
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast




In collaboration with: Asociación de Bancos de la Argentina (ABA),  Asociación de Bancos Públicos y Privados de la República Argentina (ABAPPRA), Asociación de Bancos Argentinos (ADEBA), Asociación Empresaria Argentina (AEA), Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires (BCBA), Cámara de Comercio de los Estados Unidos en Argentina (AmCham), Endeavor Argentina (EA), Sector Privado de las Américas (SPA), and Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA)

For the eleventh year, Americas Society and Council of the Americas in partnership with the Argentine Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual conference in Buenos Aires, “Argentina: Economic and Political Perspectives." This year’s conference focused on economic global trends, Argentina’s economic outlook, and its political prospects. AS/COA’s Buenos Aires conference brought together a group of government ministers, senior public officials, and private sector leaders to discuss political and economic outlooks for the country.


  • Jorge Milton Capitanich, Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, Argentina
  • Debora Giorgi, Minister of Industry, Argentina (Download her presentation)
  • Axel Kicillof, Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Argentina
  • Daniel Scioli, Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Mauricio Macri, Mayor of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Hermes Binner, National Deputy, Partido Socialista
  • Sergio Massa, National Deputy, Frente Renovador
  • Ernesto Sanz, National Senator of the Province of Mendoza
  • Terrence J. Checki, Former Executive Vice President and Head of Emerging Markets and International Affairs Group, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Visiting Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
  • Richard Peach, Senior Vice President of Macroeconomic and Monetary Studies Function, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  • Carlos R. de la Vega, President, Cámara Argentina de Comercio
  • Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
  • Andrés Velasco, Former Minister of Finance of Chile

*Additional speakers to be confirmed

Registration Fee: US$165.00 for AS members, COA members, ABA, AEA, ABAPPRRA, ADEBA, AmCham, BCBA, CAC, EA, SPA and UIA members; US$220 for non-members. Prior registration is required.
Complete this form to register.

Registration: Please send by email the registration form to and/or or by phone at 011-(54-11) 5300-9024/52.

Payment Options: In advance, in cash, or with Pago Fácil.

Event Information: Mercedes Laxague | | 1-212-277-8382
Sponsorship Opportunities: Ana Gilligan | | 1-212-277-8364
COA Corporate Membership Information: Monica Vieira | | 1-212-277-8344
Press Inquiries: Adriana La Rotta | | 1-212-277-8384

In partnership with:



Baje la agenda.

8:00 – 8:30 a.m.  Registro y Desayuno

8:30 – 9:45 a.m.  Palabras de Bienvenida y Apertura

  • Susan Segal, Presidente & CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
  • Carlos Raúl de la Vega, Presidente, Cámara Argentina de Comercio
  • Mauricio Macri, Jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
  • Jorge Capitanich, Jefe de Gabinete de Ministros, Argentina

9:45 – 10:00 a.m. Orador Especial

  • Hermes Binner, Diputado Nacional, Partido Socialista, Argentina

10:00 – 10:15 a.m. Orador Especial

  • Ernesto Sanz, Senador Nacional, Unión Cívica Radical, Argentina

10:15 – 10:30 a.m. Orador Especial

  • Daniel Scioli, Gobernador de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

10:30 – 11:15 a.m. Café

11:15 – 11:30 a.m. Oradora Especial

11:30 – 12:30 p.m. Panel: “Tendencias Económicas Globales”

  • Andrés Velasco Brañes, Ex Ministro de Hacienda de Chile
  • Richard Peach, Vicepresidente Senior del Area de Estudios de FunciónMacroeconómica y Monetaria, Banco de la Reserva Federal de Nueva York.
  • Terrence Checki, Ex Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Jefe del Grupo de Asuntos Internacionales y Mercados Emergentes, Banco de la Reserva Federal de Nueva York y Visiting Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations (Moderador)

12:30 – 12:45 p.m. Orador Especial

  • Axel Kicillof, Ministro de Economía y Finanzas Publicas, Argentina

12:45 p.m. Cierre


Terrence J. Checki
Former Executive Vice President and Head of Emerging Markets and International Affairs Group, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Terrence J. Checki is the former executive vice president and head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Emerging Markets and International Affairs Group. He also served as a member of the Bank’s Management Committee. Checki worked as the Bank’s chief international...

Carlos R. de la Vega
President, Cámara Argentina de Comercio

Carlos R. de la Vega has been president of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce (Cámara Argentina de Comercio) since April of 2003. He is also the President of the “Centro de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Exactas” at the CAECE University. Previously, de la Vega was president of the...

Mauricio Macri
Mayor of the City of Buenos Aires and Presidential Candidate (Cambiemos)

Mauricio Macri is a presidential candidate and mayor of the city of Buenos Aires since 2007. Prior to this position, he served as national deputy of the city of Buenos Aires in the Argentine National Congress from 2005 to 2007. Macri was also president of Compromiso para el...

Richard Peach
Senior Vice President of Macroeconomic and Monetary Studies Function, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Richard Peach is a senior vice president in the Macroeconomic and Monetary Studies Function of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He participates in the development of the Bank's forecast for the U.S. economy and oversees the projections of federal receipts and outlays. His...

Daniel Scioli
Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires and Presidential Candidate (Frente para la Victoria)

Daniel Scioli is a presidential candidate and governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Prior to being elected governor, he served as the country’s vice president and president of the senate. Previously, Scioli held a deputy seat in the National Chamber of Deputies...

Andrés Velasco
Former Minister of Finance of Chile

Andrés Velasco was a presidential candidate for the primaries of the Concertación in Chile after having served as the country’s minister of Finance from 2006 to 2010. Currently, he is working as a visiting professor in Columbia University and New York University. Prior to...

Susan Segal
President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas

Susan Segal was elected president and CEO of the Americas Society and Council of the Americas in August 2003 after working in the private sector with Latin America and other emerging markets for over 30 years. A passionate supporter of Latin America, she joined the organizations...