Registration: 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Conference: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m....

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2016 Latin American Cities Conferences: Mexico City
AS/COA will hold its annual conference in Mexico City, Mexico, on Friday, May 13, 2016.
Follow the discussion on Twitter: #mxASCOA | @ASCOA
In 2012, President Enrique Peña Nieto pushed a series of constitutional reforms to boost Mexico’s economy, making them the centerpiece of his administration. The energy sector opened up for private investment, the telecommunications reform promoted competition, and structural reforms passed in labor markets and the education sector. Four years later, the benefits of these reforms, intended to improve efficiency of Mexico’s markets, remain to be seen, heightening the need for effective implementation. Declining oil prices, financial turmoil, and weakened institutions are among several factors that have stalled growth and productivity.
For its ninth consecutive year, Americas Society/Council of the Americas will bring its Latin American Cities Conference to Mexico City. Join AS/COA and ProMéxico for a conference that will convene senior leaders from the private sector and high-level government officials who will discuss the effects of the structural reforms, as well as Mexico's challenges and opportunities for investment and increasing productivity.
En 2012, el Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto impulsó una serie de reformas constitucionales con el objetivo de beneficiar a la economía de México, haciéndolas la pieza clave de su administración. El sector energético se abrió a la inversión privada, la reforma de telecomunicaciones fomentó la competencia, y hubo reformas estructurales en el sector laboral y educativo. Cuatro años después, los beneficios de las reformas destinadas a mejorar la eficiencia de los diferentes sectores de México apenas está comenzando y genera la necesidad de una implementación efectiva. La disminución de los precios del petróleo, la inestabilidad financiera, y la necesidad de fortalecer sus instituciones se encuentran entre varios factores que han estancado el crecimiento y la productividad.
Por noveno año consecutivo, Americas Society/Council of the Americas (AS/COA) traerá su serie de conferencias Latin American Cities a la Ciudad de México. AS/COA, en colaboración con ProMéxico te invitan a participar a su conferencia, en la cual se reunirán funcionarios públicos y miembros del sector privado para discutir los efectos de las reformas estructurales, los desafíos y oportunidades de inversión y el aumento de la productividad en México.
- Ildefonso Guajardo, Secretary of the Economy @ildefonsogv
- José Antonio Meade, Secretary of Social Development @JoseAMeadeK (Download his presentation)
- Nicolas Amaya, Vice President and General Manager, Breakfast & Snacks, Latin America, Kellogg Company
- María Eugenia Casar, Executive Director, Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (Amexcid)
- Juan Carlos Elorza, Director of Productive and Financial Development, CAF Development Bank of Latin America
- Francisco N. González, CEO, ProMéxico @ProMexico
- Marcos Gunn, President Northern Latin America Region and COO Latin America Region, Chubb Group
- Donna Hrinak, President, Latin America and Caribbean, Boeing
- Ernesto Marcos, Founding Partner, Marcos y Asociados
- Patricia Menéndez-Cambó, Vice President, Greenberg Traurig
- Ali Moshiri, President of Africa and Latin America Exploration and Production Company, Chevron
- Miguel Messmacher, Undersecretary for Revenues, Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit
- Alejandra Palacios, Chairwoman, Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission @JanaPalacios
- Juan Ignacio Rubiolo, President and CEO, AES Mexico
- Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas @s_segal
Registration: This event is complimentary for all registrants.
Prior registration is required.
Event Information: Maricarmen Landa | | 1-212-277-8387
Sponsorship Opportunities: Claudia Angulo | | 1-212-277-8358
COA Corporate Membership Information: Monica Vieira | | 1-212-277-8344
AS Individual Membership Information: Felipe Marin || 1-212-277-8342
Press Inquiries: Adriana La Rotta | | 1-212-277-8384
8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Registration
9:00 – 9:15 a.m. Welcoming Remarks
- Susan Segal, President and CEO, AS/COA
- Francisco N. González, CEO, ProMéxico
9:15 – 9:35 a.m. Keynote Remarks
- Ildefonso Guajardo, Secretary of Economy
9:35 – 10:35 a.m. Energy Outlook in Mexico
- Ernesto Marcos, Founding Partner, Marcos y Asociados (moderator)
- Ali Moshiri, President of Africa and Latin America Exploration and Production Company, Chevron
- Juan Ignacio Rubiolo, President and CEO, AES Mexico
Questions for discussion: What are the opportunities for private-sector investment in the oil and gas sector? What are the challenges for Pemex under the budget adjustment and declining oil prices? What are the opportunities for Pemex and the private sector in the fourth phase of Round One?
10:35 – 11:30 a.m. Status and Effects of the Reforms
- Patricia Menéndez-Cambó, Vice President, Greenberg Traurig (moderator)
- Miguel Messmacher, Undersecretary for Revenues, Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit
- Alejandra Palacios, Chairwoman, Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission
- Edgar Olvera, Coordinator of Technical Regulatory Projects, Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (invited)
Questions for discussion: What are the benefits of the reforms passed in 2012 that Mexico is witnessing already? What are the challenges in terms of transparency and strengthening institutions? How are the declining oil prices affecting Mexico’s economy? What is the Mexican government doing to promote competition in the telecommunications sector?
11:30 – 12:00 p.m. Keynote Remarks
- José Antonio Meade, Secretary of Social Development (Download his presentation)
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Productivity and Growth
- Juan Carlos Elorza, Director de Desarrollo Productivo y Financiero, CAF (moderator)
- Donna Hrinak, President, Latin America and Caribbean, Boeing
- Nicolas Amaya, VP and General Manager Breakfast and Snacks Latin America, Kellogg Company
- Marcos Gunn, President Northern Latin America Region and COO Latin America Region, Chubb Group
Questions for discussion: How has turmoil in global markets spurred by global economic uncertainty affected Mexico? Why has Mexico's economic performance been so modest? What are the challenges for increasing productivity and reducing informality?
1:00 – 1:30 p.m. Closing Session
- María Eugenia Casar, Executive Director, Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (Amexcid)