Registration: 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Conference: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (9...

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2016 Latin American Cities Conferences: Panama City
Join AS/COA and Panama's Ministry of Commerce and Industry for a conference on June 29.
En colaboración con: Arias & Castillo Abogados, Asociación Panameña de Ejecutivos de Empresas (APEDE), Cámara de Comercio Industrias y Agricultura de Panamá (CCIAP), Cámara Panameña de la Construcción (CAPAC),
Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje de Panamá, (CeCAP), International Chamber of Commerce Panamá (ICC Panamá)
La economía de Panamá creció casi 6 por ciento en el 2015. El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo prevé que Panamá seguirá siendo líder en crecimiento económico en América Latina y el Caribe en el 2016. Las inversiones en infraestructura y logística han contribuido significativamente al alto crecimiento y lo seguirán haciendo en los próximos años. A pesar de que el gasto público se reducirá cuando la ampliación del Canal sea completada en junio de 2016, la logística desempeñará un papel cada vez más importante en la economía del país. Más allá de la ampliación del canal, hay muchos otros proyectos de logística que se están desarrollando, como la segunda línea de metro (un monorriel de $2 mil millones), el proyecto de bienes raíces de uso mixto Panamá Pacífico, la primera instalación de la planta de gas natural licuado y gas natural del país, entre otros. Esta conferencia analizará las medidas que deben adoptarse para ejecutar un plan nacional de logística y las oportunidades para los inversionistas internacionales.
AS/COA y el Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias te invitan el 29 de junio para una conferencia que se enfocará en la forma en la que Panamá puede utilizar la logística como un motor de crecimiento sostenible.
In collaboration with: Arias & Castillo Abogados, Asociación Panameña de Ejecutivos de Empresas (APEDE), Cámara de Comercio Industrias y Agricultura de Panamá (CCIAP),
Cámara Panameña de la Construcción (CAPAC), Centro de Conciliación y Arbitraje de Panamá, (CeCAP), International Chamber of Commerce Panamá (ICC Panamá)
Panama’s economy grew by almost 6 percent in 2015. The Inter-American Development Bank forecasts that the country will continue to lead Latin America and the Caribbean in economic growth in 2016. Investments in infrastructure and logistics have been critical to this high growth and will remain so in the coming years. Even though public spending will drop as the canal expansion nears its completion in June 2016, logistics will play a progressively important role in the country’s economy. Beyond the canal expansion, there are many other logistical projects taking shape, such as the second subway line (a $2 billion monorail), the mixed real estate project Panama Pacifico, the country’s first natural gas-powered plant and liquefied natural gas, among others. This conference will analyze the steps which must be taken to execute a national logistics plan and the opportunities for international investors.
Join AS/COA and Panama’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry for a conference on June 29 focused on how Panama can use logistics as an engine of sustainable growth.
- Augusto Arosemena, Minister of Commerce and Industry @A_Arosemena_M (Download his presentation.)
- Dulcidio de la Guardia, Minister of Economy and Finance @ddelaguardia (Download his presentation.)
- Miguel Bolinaga, Country Manager, AES Panama @MiguelEBolinaga
- Juan Carlos Croston, Vice President, Marketing and Corporate Affairs, Manzanillo International Terminal @jc_croston
- John D. Feeley, U.S. Ambassador to Panama @USEmbPAN
- Joseph Fidanque III, General Manager, Tocumen International Airport @josephfidanque
- Emanuel Arturo González-Revilla, Panamanian Ambassador to the U.S. @EmbPanama_US
- Leo González, Administrator, Agencia Panama Pacifico @LeoLgonzalez
- Irvin A. Halman, General Administrator, National Authority of Government Innovation @iahalman
- Daniel Korn, Director of Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Latin America, @MicrosoftLatam
- Humberto López, Director for Central America, The World Bank (Download his presentation.)
- Manuel A. Orillac, Partner, Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions Groups, Shearman & Sterling
- Susana Pinilla, Representative Director in Panama, CAF – Development Bank of Latin America @AgendaCAF
- Francisco Rios, Centre Director, IE Singapore @friosz (Download his presentation.)
- Gustavo Ripoll, Executive Director for Central America and the Caribbean, Dell
- Isaac Suarez, Country Director, Telefónica Panamá @PanamaMovistar
- Mauricio Tarazona, Head of Treasury & Trade Solutions, Citi Panama @tarazonamau
- Rommel Troetsch, President, Camara Maritima de Panama (CMP) @rtroetsch
- Ricardo Ungo, General Manager of Business Development, Panama Canal Authority @canaldepanama
- Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, Americas Society/Council of the Americas @ericfarns
- Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas @s_segal
Registration: This event is complimentary. Prior registration is required.
Follow the discussion on Twitter: #BeyondtheCanal | @ASCOA
Event Information: Guillermo Zubillaga | | 1-212-277-8362
Sponsorship Opportunities: Claudia Angulo | | 1-212-277-8358
COA Corporate Membership Information: Monica Vieira | | 1-212-277-8344
AS Individual Membership Information: Felipe Marin | | 1-212-277-8342
Press Inquiries: Adriana La Rotta | | 1-212-277-8384
All times are local (UTC/GMT -5).
8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Welcome Remarks
- Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
8:30 – 9:15 a.m. Conversation – Panama’s Role as a Bridge Nation
- John D. Feeley, U.S. Ambassador to Panama
- Emanuel Arturo González-Revilla, Panamanian Ambassador to the U.S.
- Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, Americas Society/Council of the Americas (moderator)
9:15 – 9:45 a.m. Keynote Speaker
- Augusto Arosemena, Minister, Ministry of Commerce and Industry
9:45 – 10:45 a.m. Panel – Logistics and Economic Growth
- Juan Carlos Croston, Vice President of Marketing, Manzanillo International Terminal
- Joseph Fidanque III, General Manager, Tocumen International Airport
- Ricardo Ungo, General Manager of Business Development, Panama Canal Authority
- Susana Pinilla, Representative Director in Panama, CAF – Development Bank of Latin America (moderator)
10:45 – 11:15 a.m. Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:00 p.m. Presentation – Panama as a Logistical Hub: A View from Abroad
- Francisco Ríos, Centre Director, IE Singapore
12:00 – 12:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker
- Dulcidio de la Guardia, Minister of the Economy and Finance, Panama
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Panel – Opportunities in Logistics and Related Activities for Foreign Investors
- Miguel Bolinaga, Country Manager, AES Panama
- Leo González, Administrator, Agencia Panama Pacifico
- Rommel Troetsch, President, Cámara Marítima de Panamá (CMP)
- Manuel A. Orillac, Partner, Capital Markets and Mergers & Acquisitions Groups, Shearman & Sterling
- Mauricio Tarazona, Head, Treasury & Trade Solutions, Citi Panama (moderator)
1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Lunch Keynote Speaker
- Humberto López, Director for Central America, The World Bank
2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Digital Logistics and the Role of Innovation
- Irvin A. Halman, General Administrator, National Authority of Government Innovation
- Daniel Korn, Director of Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Latin America (moderator)
- Isaac Suarez, Country Director, Telefónica Panamá
- Gustavo Ripoll, Executive Director, Dell Panama