COA Symposium
Conference: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Webcast: 9 a.m. to 12:25...

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2017 Council of the Americas Symposium and BRAVO Business Awards
More than 400 CEOs, senior officials, and other high-level decision makers will convene in Miami on November 3 to discuss the economic and social issues transforming the Americas.
El evento también se transmitirá en vivo en español en Facebook.
Follow the discussion on Twitter: #BRAVObiz | @ASCOA
Please join us on Friday, November 3, for the 2017 Council of the Americas Symposium and 23rd BRAVO Business Awards. The Symposium gathers more than 400 CEOs, senior government officials, and high-level decision makers from business, government, multilateral institutions, and NGOs for our annual conference focused on the key issues transforming the Americas.
Following the Symposium, leaders from the private and public sectors will be honored at the 23rd BRAVO Business Awards. For more than two decades the BRAVO Business Awards have recognized excellence and leadership in the Americas, and in 2017 we will shine light on the innovative leaders who are impacting business and policy in the region.
COA Symposium & 23rd Annual BRAVO Business Awards
Friday, November 3, 2017 - Four Seasons Hotel Miami
Symposium Panel Discussions:
- Achieving Sustainable Growth in the Americas
- Corporate Leadership in the Digital Era
- Facilitating Cross Border Trade and Investment in the Hemisphere
- The Future of Travel in the Americas
- Corporate Sustainability in the Hemisphere
- Looking to the Future: Artificial Intelligence
2017 Symposium Speakers Include
- Alexander Mora, Minister of Foreign Trade, Costa Rica @comexcr
- Angel Gurría, Secretary-General, OECD @OECD
- Luis Alberto Moreno, President, IDB @MorenoBID @the_IDB
- Fernando González, CEO, CEMEX @Fernandogzz @CEMEX
- Andrés Conesa, CEO, Aeromexico @Aeromexico
- Horst Paulmann, Chairman and Founder, Cencosud
- Maria Fernanda Mejia, Senior Vice President, Kellogg and President, Kellogg Latin America @KelloggsLATAM
- Ana Paula Assis, General Manager, IBM Latin America
- Damián Scokin, CEO, @Despegar
- Rogers Valencia Espinoza, Vice Minister of Tourism, Peru @MINCETUR
- Andrés Gluski, Chairman, AS/COA and President and CEO, The AES Corporation @TheAESCorp
- César Cernuda, President, Microsoft Latin America @cesarcernuda @MSEmpresasLatAm
- Susan Segal, President and CEO, AS/COA @s_segal @ASCOA
- Thilo Mannhardt, CEO, Ultrapar
- Katia Bouazza, Managing Director, Head of Latin America Capital Financing, HSBC Securities Inc @HSBC
- James P. Scriven, CEO, Inter-American Investment Corporation @JamesPScriven @GrupoBID_CII
- Fernando Iraola, Managing Director, Head of Latin America Corporate Banking and Global Transaction Services, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
- Claudio Muruzábal, President, SAP Latin America & The Caribbean @cmuruzabal
- Xavier Serbiá, Host, CNN Dinero @xavierserbia @CNNDinero
- Guillermo Güémez Sarre, Chief Technology Officer, Grupo Financiero Banorte @gguemez @Banorte_mx
- Luciano Macagno, Managing Director, Latin America and the Caribbean, Delta Air Lines @lumactwit @Delta
- Vernon Murray, Vice President and General Manager, Mexico and Northern Latin America, Emerson Latin America @vernonmurray @EMR_Auto_Latam
- Jorge Apaez, COO, Mexico and Latin America & The Caribbean, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) @IHG
- Luisa García, Partner and COO Latin America, LLORENTE & CUENCA @luisagarcia @llorenteycuenca
- Ricardo Sánchez Baker, CFO, Aeromexico @Aeromexico
- Flavio Carrillo, Director of Capital Markets Lab, Florida International University @fiubusiness
- Daniel Alarcón, CEO and Co-Founder, Logiety @danielrmz2013 @logiety
- Jorge Becerra, Senior Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group @JorgeBecerraBCG @BCG
- Tyler Bryson, Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Operations, Microsoft Latin America @tybryson @MSEmpresasLatAm
- Bernardo Guillamon, Manager, Office of Outreach and Partnerships, IDB @the_IDB
- Rogerio Basso, Principal Investment Officer and Head of Tourism, Inter-American Investment Corporation @GrupoBID_CII
- Ana Mercedes Botero, Director of Social Innovation, CAF @AgendaCAF
- Stephen Stefani, Head of Oncology, Hospital do Câncer Mãe de Deus @StephenStefani @HospitalMaeDeus
- Gema Sacristán, Chief Investment Officer, Inter-American Investment Corporation @GemaSacristan @GrupoBID_CII
2017 BRAVO Business Award Honorees
- BRAVO Legacy Award: Angel Gurría, Secretary-General, OECD
- Lifetime Achievement Award: Horst Paulmann, Chairman and Founder, Cencosud
- CEO of the Year: Fernando González, CEO, CEMEX
- Visionary CEO Leadership Award: Andrés Conesa, CEO, Aeromexico, and Ed Bastian, CEO, Delta Air Lines
- Dynamic CEO of the Year: Maria Fernanda Mejia, Senior Vice President, Kellogg and President, Kellogg Latin America
- Transformational Leader of the Year: Jorge Pérez, Chairman and CEO, Related Group @Related_Group
For more information on the Symposium and BRAVO Business Awards nominations, please visit
Event Information and Registration:
Cyndi Balladares | | 305-779-4994
Maria Lourdes Gallo | | 305-779-4986
Mercedes Fernandez | | 305-779-4987
Press Inquiries:
Yndira Marin | | 646-386-6523
AS/COA Media Relations | | 212-277-8384 | 212-277-8333
Watch a recap of the 2016 event:
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. – 9:05 a.m. Welcome Remarks (webcast)
- Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas (AS/COA)
9:05 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Panel I: Achieving Sustainable Growth in the Americas (webcast)
- Angel Gurría, Secretary-General, OECD (2017 BRAVO Legacy Award)
- Alexander Mora, Minister of Foreign Trade, Costa Rica
- Andrés Gluski, President and CEO, The AES Corporation; Chairman, AS/COA (moderator)
10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. Panel II: Corporate Leadership in the Digital Era (webcast)
- Jorge Becerra, Senior Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group
- Fernando González, CEO, CEMEX (2017 BRAVO CEO of the Year)
- Damián Scokin, CEO,
- César Cernuda, President, Microsoft Latin America (moderator)
10:50 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. Networking Coffee Break
11:20 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. Panel III: Facilitating Cross Border Trade and Investment in the Hemisphere (webcast)
- Katia Bouazza, Managing Director, Head of Latin America Capital Financing HSBC Securities Inc.
- Andrés Conesa, CEO, Aeromexico (2017 BRAVO Visionary Leadership Award)
- Fernando Iraola, Managing Director, Head of Latin America Corporate Banking and Global Transaction Services, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
- James P. Scriven, CEO, Inter-American Investment Corporation
- Xavier Serbiá, Host, CNN Dinero (moderator)
12:10 p.m. – 12:25 p.m. Keynote Address (webcast)
- Luis Alberto Moreno, President, IDB
12:45 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. A conversation with Horst Paulmann, Chairman and Founder, Cencosud (2017 BRAVO Lifetime Achievement Award) and Susan Segal, President and CEO, AS/COA (no webcast)
1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Lunch
Afternoon Concurrent Sessions (no webcast)
3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Session I: Connectivity and Competitiveness — The Future of Travel in the Americas
- Jorge Apaez, COO, Mexico, Latin America, & The Caribbean, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG)
- Luciano Macagno, Managing Director, Latin America & the Caribbean, Delta Air Lines
- Damián Scokin, CEO,
- Ricardo Sánchez Baker, CFO, Aeromexico
- Rogers Valencia Espinoza, Vice Minister of Tourism, Peru
- Rogerio Basso, Principal Investment Officer and Head of Tourism, Inter-American Investment Corporation (moderator)
3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Session II: Sustainability in the Hemisphere — A Holistic Approach
- Ana Mercedes Botero, Director of Social Innovation, CAF - Latin American Development Bank
- Tyler Bryson, Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Operations, Microsoft Latin America
- Flavio Carrillo, Director of Capital Markets Lab, Florida International University
- Luisa García, Partner and COO Latin America, LLORENTE & CUENCA
- Maria Fernanda Mejia, Senior Vice President, The Kellogg Company and President, Kellogg Latin America (2017 BRAVO Dynamic CEO of the Year)
- Vernon Murray, Vice President and General Manager, Mexico and Northern Latin America, Emerson Latin America
- James P. Scriven, CEO, Inter-American Investment Corporation
- Gema Sacristán, Chief Investment Officer, Inter-American Investment Corporation
- Bernardo Guillamon, Manager, Office of Outreach and Partnerships, IDB (moderator)
3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Session III: Looking to the Future — Artificial Intelligence
- Daniel Alarcón, CEO and Cofounder, Logiety Technology
- Ana Paula Assis, General Manager, IBM Latin America
- Guillermo Güémez Sarre, Chief Technology Officer, Grupo Financiero Banorte
- Stephen Stefani, Head of Oncology, Hospital do Câncer Mãe de Deus
- Jorge Becerra, Senior Partner and Managing Director, The Boston Consulting Group