Registration: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Conference: 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Live broadcast
2018 Latin American Cities Conferences: Lima
Three days before a national referendum, President Martín Vizcarra and others discussed the private sector's role in the quest for transparency.
Americas Society and Council of the Americas, in partnership with Peru's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will host their thirteenth annual Latin American Cities Conference in Lima. In addition to exploring the economic outlook of Peru and the region, this year's conference will focus on how governments can collaborate with the private sector in promoting transparency and rebuilding trust. Panelists will discuss immediate and long-term strategies to strengthen institutions and promote accountability in the wake of regional corruption scandals.
Follow the discussion on Twitter: #PeruCOA | @ASCOA
Registration: This event is complimentary for all registrants.
Prior registration is required.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Martín Vizcarra, President of Peru @MartinVizcarraC @PresidenciaPeru
- Néstor Popolizio, Minister of Foreign Affairs @NestorPopolizio @CancilleriaPeru
- Roque Benavides, President, National Confederation of Private Business Institutions @Roque_Benavides @CONFIEP (Baje su presentación.)
- Alberto Ñecco, Executive Director, ProInversión @ProInversionPe
- Carlos Santiso, Director of Institutional Development, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, CAF @AgendaCAF
- Susana Silva, Secretary of Public Integrity, Office of the Prime Minister @SIPIntegridad
- Francis Stenning, CEO, Bolsa de Valores de Lima @BVLPeru
- Miguel Uccelli, CEO, Scotiabank Perú @migueluccelli @ScotiabankPE
- Julio Velarde, President, Central Bank of Peru @bcrpoficial (Baje su presentación.)
- Ragnhild Melzi, Vice President, Public Policy Programs and Corporate Relations, Americas Society/Council of the Americas @ASCOA
- Brian Winter, Editor-in-Chief, Americas Quarterly; Vice President of Policy, Americas Society/Council of the Americas @BrazilBrian
Sponsorship Opportunities: Ana Calderon | | 1-212-277-8358
COA Corporate Membership Information: Mila Fontana | | 1-212-277-8331
Note: To view a list of COA corporate members, please click here.
Press Inquiries:
Cancellation: Please contact Juan Serrano-Badrena at before 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 4.
All times in local Lima time (GMT -5), which is in the same time zone as New York.
8:00–8:30 a.m. Registration and Coffee
8:30–9:00 a.m. Welcoming Remarks
- Ragnhild Melzi, Vice President, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
- Néstor Popolizio, Minister of Foreign Relations, Republic of Peru
9:00–9:45 a.m. Keynote Address: Economic Perspectives on Peru and the Region
- Julio Velarde, President, Central Bank of Peru
9:45–10:30 a.m. Keynote Address: Peru’s Fight against Corruption
- Roque Benavides, President, National Confederation of Private Business Institutions
10:30–11:00 a.m. Coffee Break
11:00–12:30 p.m. Panel Discussion: The Role of the Private Sector in the Quest for Transparency
What are effective, long-term strategies that can strengthen institutions and promote transparency? How can the private sector be more involved? Are there best practices from the corporate world that can be applied in a broader context?
- Alberto Ñecco, Executive Director, ProInversión
- Carlos Santiso, Director of Intitutional Development, CAF - Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina
- Susana Silva, Secretary of Public Integrity, Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros
- Miguel Ucelli, CEO, Scotiabank Perú
- Brian Winter, Vice President of Policy, Americas Society/Council of the Americas and Editor-in-Chief, Americas Quarterly
- Francis Stenning, CEO, Bolsa de Valores de Lima (moderator)
12:30–12:50 p.m. Closing Remarks
- Martín Vizcarra, President of Peru