7:00 p.m.

Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York


(Image: Courtesy of Heloísa Bortz)

Concert: Brazil's Camerata Aberta

Music of the Americas will present Brazilian contemporary ensemble Camerata Aberta in concert at the Americas Society.

7:00 p.m.

Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York



Preregistration for this event is now closed. Tickets will be available for purchase at the door beginning at 6:15 PM.

Admission: FREE for AS and YPA Members; $20 for non-members. No additional fees will be charged when purchasing online. $10 tickets will be available for purchase at the door for students with ID and seniors. YPA Members who wish to register for this event should email Martha Cargo at mcargo@as-coa.org.

Not yet an AS Member? Join NOW! More information on YPA Membership can be found here.

Music of the Americas is thrilled to present São Paulo-based new music group Camerata Aberta for the third time in a concert featuring new pieces by Brazilian composers. Their debut album Espelho D'Água (Reflecting Pool, SESC, 2012) won "Prêmio Bravo!" in the Best Classical Music CD category. Read a review of their 2011 performance at the Americas Society on the I Care if You Listen website.

This program will feature the following musicians:

Cassia Carrascoza flute            
Luis Afonso Montanha clarinet
Martin Tuksa violin
Dimos Goudaroulis cello
Lídia Bazarian piano
Sérgio Kafejian artistic director
Walter Gentil production director


Marcus Siqueira (b. 1974) Espectros no Jardim de Concreto (2013)  *US premiere
Maurício de Bonis (b. 1979) Melencolia I a3 (2013)  *US premiere
Sérgio Rodrigo (b. 1983)  Acquarello (2010, rev. 2014) *US premiere
Silvio Ferraz (b. 1959) Les silences d'un étrange jardin (1994) *US premiere
Felipe Lara (b. 1979) Postcard (2008)
Sérgio Kafejian (b. 1967) Circulares III (2014) *World premiere
João Pedro Oliveira (b. 1959) Hokmah (2009)
Alexandre Lunsqui (b. 1969) Toy (2013)


Read more in the printed program (PDF).