Registration: 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
Luncheon, Presentation, & Discussion: 1...

Live broadcast

(Image: Itaipu Binacional)
Cultivating Good Water: A Closer Look at Itaipu Binacional's Sustainable Projects
AS/COA hosted a luncheon discussion in New York focused on sustainability in the Itaipu region.
AS/COA hosted a luncheon discussion in New York focused on sustainability in the Itaipu region.
The Itaipu hydroelectric dam is situated in the Paraná River Basin, in the southwest region of Brazil near the border with Paraguay, with a population of approximately one million people. In 2003, Itaipu Binacional launched a series of sustainable projects to address international concerns about climate change and universal availability of and access to water. Among these projects, The Cultivating Good Water Program consists of 20 programs and 63 initiatives dedicated to issues including environmental education, watershed management, biodiversity, sustainable rural development, medicinal plants, fish production, and fish farming.
Opening Remarks:
- Luiz Felipe de Seixas Correa, Consul General of Brazil in New York
Confirmed Speakers:
- Nelton Friedrich, Itaipu Binacional Coordinator and Environmental Director - Brazil
- Pedro Domaniczky, Itaipu Binacional Coordinator and Executive Director - Paraguay
- Maria Beatriz Martins-Costa, CEO, 2A2 Marketing and Events/Planeta Orgânico (Download Martins-Costa's presentation.)
Event Information: Diogo Ide | | 1-212-277-8352
COA Corporate Membership Information: Monica Vieira | | 1-212-277-8344
Press: Adriana La Rotta | | 1-212-277-8384