7:00 p.m.
Members only reception to follow.

Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York


Valeria Luiselli. (Courtesy of Zony Maya)

7:00 p.m.
Members only reception to follow.

Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York



Online registration for tonight’s program is closed. Members may still arrive prior to the event and pick up their tickets, and non-members may pay at the door. Email LiteratureDepartment@as-coa.org if you have any questions.

Admission: FREE for AS Members; $10.00 per program for non-members.

In celebration of Review’s forthcoming issue focusing on iconic and emerging writers in Latin America, please join us for a three-evening symposium of literary discussions, panels, and bilingual readings of original work by iconic and young writers from throughout the region.

For the second evening of the symposium, Americas Society will host a panel discussion and reading with Alvaro Enrigue (Mexico), Valeria Luiselli (Mexico), and Edmundo Paz Soldán (Bolivia). They will discuss currents in Latin American literature and read selections of their work featured in Review 86. The event will be moderated by Elvira “Elvis” Liceaga (Mexico). In Spanish and English; simultaneous interpretation available.

Presented by the Americas Society with the additional collaboration of InterAmericas®; the Mexican Cultural Institute of New York; Columbia University; Cooper Union—School of Art; Hunter College, CUNY; New York University; McNally Jackson Books; and La Casa Azul Bookstore.

Discounted Admission: $25.00 for three evenings.
Learn about the first and third evenings of the symposium.

Order a copy. Subscribe to Review.

Event Information: Jose Negroni | jnegroni@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8353
Membership Information: Valeria Catan | vcatan@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8342
Press Inquiries: Adriana La Rotta | alarotta@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8384

Alvaro Enrigue (Mexico City, 1969) is an essayist, critic, professor the author of four novels and two books of stories, including La muerte de un instalador (1996, Joaquín Mortiz Prize) and Hipotermia (2005; Hypothermia, 2013).  He has been named by the Bogotá 39 project as one of the most promising writers of his generation.

Valeria Luiselli  (Mexico City, 1983) is the author of Papeles falsos (essays) and Los ingrávidos (a novel), translated to English as Sidewalks (2013) and Faces in the Crowd (2012). She is completing her doctorate at Columbia University in New York and working on her next novel. Her stories and essays have appeared in the New York Times and Granta.

Edmundo Paz Soldán (Bolivia, 1967) teaches Latin American literature at Cornell University. He has published nine novels and four books of short stories, among them Norte (2011) and Billie Ruth (2012). His books have been translated into eleven languages.

Elvis “Elvira” Liceaga is a Mexican Radio DJ and journalist who lives in New York, teaches at NYU, and hosts a weekly show on Mondays at 10 a.m. on WBAI 99.5FM NY. Her radio broadcast titled Mala Vida focuses on world music with an emphasis on Latin America. Mexico City-born, she has an MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish at NYU.