April 1 in Havana: 7:00 p.m. at Iglesia Corpus Cristi

April 4 in Quito: 7...

Iglesia de Fátima
Avenida Gral Eloy Alfaro, Quito 170135
Iglesia de San Agustin
C/ Guayaquil con Chile, Quito 170401


Meridionalis at Hispanic Society of America (Image: Roey Yohai).

April 1 in Havana: 7:00 p.m. at Iglesia Corpus Cristi

April 4 in Quito: 7...

Iglesia de Fátima
Avenida Gral Eloy Alfaro, Quito 170135
Iglesia de San Agustin
C/ Guayaquil con Chile, Quito 170401



If you are interested in attending these events, please email Martha Cargo at mcargo@as-coa.org for more information.

Meridionalis will perform one concert in Havana, Cuba, and two concerts as part of the Música Sacra festival in Quito, Ecuador. 

The tour opens with Y de la esfera más alta…, a program prepared by Guatemalan musicologist Omar Morales Abril that offers a trajectory from shadows to light through motets and villancicos drawn from archives across Latin America. The concert begins with a series of Easter lamentations by Hernando Franco and Gaspar Fernandez which, dating to the late sixteenth century, are among the earliest music preserved in the hemisphere, before moving onto Immaculate Conception and Christmas villancicos by Fernandez and Carlos de Borja y Aragón, among others, that reflect on ideas of light and celebration. The concert includes a bilingual reinterpretation of the Salve Regina text by Diego de Cáseda that alternates the traditional Latin prayer by a choral group with a paraphrase by two soprano soloists, as well as a meditative setting of the Lenten Psalm “Circumdederunt me,” written in Guatemala in the late 1500s by Hernando Franco. In Havana, this performance will be in collaboration with the singers and instrumentalists of Ars Longa.  

The second program will be dedicated to music recently discovered in the Ecuadoran city of Ibarra, some 60 miles north of Quito. This repertoire includes a combination of mostly anonymous motets and villancicos for chorus and various combinations of soloists, following a similar trajectory from darkness to light that is the theme of this year’s Música Sacra festival in Quito. This program includes two solo songs that will spotlight Meridionalis sopranos Molly Quinn and Nell Snaidas, as well as polychoral works in which Meridionalis sings antiphonally with the instrumental ensemble Lipzodes.

Havana: Y de la esfera más alta with Ars Longa
Saturday, April 1, 7:00 p.m. at Iglesia Corpus Cristi

Quito Program 1: Y de la esfera más alta
Tuesday, April 4, 7:00 p.m. at Iglesia de Fátima

Quito Program 2: Al sol de la tierra y cielo with Lipzodes
Wednesday, April 5, 6:00 p.m. at Iglesia de San Agustín


Molly Quinn, Nell Snaidas sopranos
Mikki Sodergren, Timothy Parsons altos
Brian Giebler, Sebastián Zubieta tenors
Thomas McCargar, Steven Hyrcelak basses