Registration: 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Panel and Reception: 6:00 p.m. to 7...

Live broadcast

Parada Hoyl, Cruz Mendoza, Ortuño.
Report Launch: A Path to Political Inclusion in Latin America
Three trailblazing leaders will share their experiences in politics and lessons for making government more representative.
Follow the discussion on Twitter: #inclusionLatAm | @ASCOA
This event will be held in Spanish, with simultaneous translation in English. However, English translation is unavailable for webcast viewers.
Across Latin America, the proportion of women and Afro-descendant, indigenous, LGBT, and disabled people in politics often pales in comparison to these groups’ share of the general population. The region has made significant advances, however. Of the 10 countries worldwide with the highest representation of women in their lower houses of congress, five are in Latin America. Join Americas Society as it launches A Seat at the Table: Five Steps to Making Latin American Politics More Diverse, a new report that looks at strategies for electing and supporting minority lawmakers in Latin American politics. Three history-making leaders from Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay will share their unique experiences in politics and will discuss the political panorama for the region’s underrepresented groups.
- Jaime Parada Hoyl, Councilman for Providencia, Santiago de Chile; LGBT Activist and Former Spokesperson, Homosexual Movement of Integration and Liberation (MOVILH); First Openly Gay Elected Official in Chile @JParadaHoyl
- Eufrosina Cruz Mendoza, State Congresswoman, Oaxaca; Former National Congresswoman; First indigenous woman to serve as president of the Oaxaca State congressional leadership @EufrosinaCruz
- Edgardo Ortuño, President, Casa de la Cultura Afrouruguaya; Former Vice Minister of Industry of Uruguay; First Black Congressman in Uruguay
- Brian Winter, Vice President, Policy, Americas Society/Council of the Americas; Editor-in-Chief, Americas Quarterly @BrazilBrian (moderator)
Registration: This event is complimentary for all registrants, though prior registration is required.
Event Information: Brendan O’Boyle | | 1-212-277-8366
Cancellation: Contact Juan Serrano-Badrena at before 3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 24.
Photo credits, L to R: courtesy of Jaime Parada; courtesy of Eufrosina Cruz; Redux for Americas Quarterly.