9:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Registration
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Presentation &...
Live broadcast
(Image: The World Bank)
Report Launch: Working to End Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean
Council of the Americas will host a public program launching the World Bank's latest report: Working to End Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean: Workers, Jobs, and Wages.
(video starts at 30:39)
Council of the Americas will hold a public, on the record program launching the World Bank's latest report: Working to End Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean: Workers, Jobs, and Wages. In addition to issuing the latest poverty numbers for Latin America and the Caribbean, our discussion will focus on the region's changing labor force and labor markets, and what role they have played in poverty alleviation.
- Louise Cord, Manager, Global Poverty - Latin America, World Bank (download the presentation)
- Amgad Shehata, Vice President, Strategic Development, UPS (respondent)
- Harold Trinkunas, Charles W. Robinson Chair & Senior Fellow and Director, Foreign Policy, Latin America Initiative, Brookings Institution (respondent)
- Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
To Register: Please email us at as-coawashington@counciloftheamericas.org
Please RSVP no later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the event.