Registration: 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Conference: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Live broadcast

Latin American Business Conference 2018
Experts and rising game changers in public policy, tech, and social entrepreneurship will speak in a series of panels about the current reality of social change and business in Latin America.
Follow the discussion on Twitter: @ascoaYPA | #LABC18
Registration is closed.
This event is $40 for members and $75 for non-members. Member tickets are exclusively available to YPA, CBS LABA, and NYU LABA. Join as a Silver YPA member today and receive complimentary access to the event. (Once you buy your Silver membership, you’ll get an email with your conference ticket.)
Every year, Young Professionals of the Americas (YPA), Columbia Business School (CBS), and New York University (NYU) come together to organize the Latin American Business Conference. For over ten years, the Latin American Business Associations (LABA) at CBS and NYU Stern have positioned their Latin American Business Conference as one of the most anticipated forums to discuss the pressing issues, challenges, and achievements of the region.
For its 2018 edition, LABA organizations join forces with YPA—an initiative of the Americas Society/Council of the Americas—to organize the Latin American Business Conference 2018. The event will bring together current and rising leaders from Latin America for a full-day conference. Experts and rising game changers in public policy, tech, and social entrepreneurship will speak in a series of panels about the current reality of social change and business in the region. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with these leaders, dive into regional and global trends, and be part of an ongoing dialogue.
- Alberto Bernal, Chief Emerging Markets and Global Strategist, XP Securities @AlbertoBernalLe
- Duncan Caird, Head of Infrastructure, Energy & Export Finance for the Americas, HSBC @HSBC
- Alejandro Camino, Chief Marketing Officer, Softtek @globalnearshore
- Alessandro Carlucci, Former CEO, Natura @naturanet_
- Juan Carlos Echeverry, Partner, Econcept; Former CEO of Ecopetrol and Former Finance Minister of Colombia
- Federico Eisner, Managing Partner, Bain & Company Argentina @feisner
- Robert Kartheiser, Partner, Paul Hastings @Paul_Hastings
- Duda Kertész, President, U.S. HealthE, Johnson & Johnson Consumer @JNJNews
- Alonso Martinez, Senior Lecturer, Columbia Business School @Columbia_Biz
- Mark McCombe, Head of Americas Region, BlackRock @blackrock
- Arturo Sarukhan, Former Ambassador of Mexico to the United States @Arturo_Sarukhan
- Susan Segal, President & CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas @s_segal
- Claudia Sender, President, LATAM Airlines Brazil @LATAM_BRA
- Roberto Egydio Setubal, Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A. @itauunibanco_ri
- Roberto Simon, Political Risk Director for Latin America, FTI Consulting @robertosimon
- J.J. Stranko, Client Experience Lead, McKinsey and Company @extranjero
- Alana Tummino, Executive Director, Young Professionals of the Americas @AlanaTummino
- Carolina Wilson, Reporter, Bloomberg News @caroewilson
- Camila Zuluaga, Program Director and Journalist, Claro, Caracol Radio @ZuluagaCamila
*Additional speakers to be confirmed.
Register for the LABC after-party at the Moxy hotel's new rooftop bar! We'll have drink special from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m.
Learn and watch videos from last year's conference.
Questions? E-mail us at
Press Inquiries:
YPA Membership: Beckie Bintrim | | 1-212-277-8342
Sponsorship Opportunities: Rodrigo Riaza | | 1-212-277-8376
8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:00 to 9:15 a.m. Opening Remarks
- Alana Tummino, Executive Director, Young Professionals of the Americas
9:15 to 10:00 a.m. Keynote: Latin America in the Global Economy
- Mark McCombe, Head of Americas Region, BlackRock
10:00 to 10:45 a.m. Panel: Made in LatAm – From Latin America to the World
Panelists will discuss how Latin American companies have succeeded across various industries, competing on a global scale with technology, human capital and R&D.
- Alessandro Carlucci, Former CEO, Natura
- Alejandro Camino, Chief Marketing Officer, Softtek
- Federico Eisner, Managing Partner, Bain & Company South America
- Alonso Martinez, Senior Lecturer, Columbia Business School (moderator)
*Additional panelists to be confirmed.
10:45 to 11:00 a.m. Coffee and Networking Break
11:00 to 11:45 a.m. Fireside Chat: Leadership Insights from Roberto Setubal
The speaker will share his story leading some of the most successful financial services companies in Latin America, and give his views on how the region's financial landscape has changed over the last years and how he sees it going forward.
- Roberto Setubal, Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Itaú Unibanco
- Hosted by Susan Segal, President & CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
11:45 to 12:30 p.m. Panel: Infrastructure Bottlenecks in Latin America
Panelists will discuss Latin America’s infrastructure challenges, the economic and social impact that the recent corruption scandals have had in the development of projects in the region, and provide insights as to the next steps that the different stakeholders can take to reactivate project financing.
- Juan Carlos Echeverry, Partner, Econcept, and former CEO of Ecopetrol and Minister of Finance of Colombia
- Robert Kartheiser, Partner, Paul Hastings
- Duncan Caird, Head of Infrastructure, Energy & Export Finance for the Americas, HSBC
- Carolina Wilson, Reporter, Bloomberg News (moderator)
*Additional panelists to be confirmed.
12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Lunch & Table Leader Session
1:30 to 2:15 p.m. Panel: Empowering Female Leaders in Latin America
- Claudia Sender, President, LATAM Airlines Brazil
- Duda Kertész, President, Johnson & Johnson Consumer, U.S. HealthE
- J.J. Stranko, Client Experience Lead, McKinsey (moderator)
2:15 to 3:00 p.m. Panel: Elections in LatAm – Will the Pendulum Swing Again?
Panelists will discuss the regional electoral calendar as three major economies, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia go to the polls to choose a new president and a new direction.
- Alberto Bernal, Chief Strategist, XP Securities
- Roberto Simon, Political Risk Director for Latin America, FTI Consulting
- Arturo Sarukhan, Former Ambassador of Mexico to the United States
- Camila Zuluaga, Program Director and Journalist, Claro, Caracol Radio (moderator)
3:00 to 3:15 p.m. Closing remarks
- Alberto Garrido, Vice President, LABA, Columbia Business School
- Gabriel de Souza Barbosa, President, LABA, NYU Stern School of Business
4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Happy Hour - TBD
10:00 to 2:00 a.m. After Party at Magic Hour
- Drink specials for YPA and LABA members from 10 - 12