In a region plagued by crime, some politicians are eager to replicate El Salvador's gang crackdown. Can the model spread?
El Salvador
Lawmaker Claudia Ortiz is leading the political dissent. Her recent campaign—and the ruling party’s attempts to defeat it—show what’s ahead for a backsliding democracy.
The next administration should work more closely with its neighbors to address migration.
Nayib Bukele has "cleverly played on the problems that this country had in the past," says AS/COA's vice president of policy to CNN's Fareed Zakaria.
Bukele needs an IMF assistance program to regain access to international markets. Bitcoin and the erosion of the rule of law are stumbling blocks.
"El Salvador me parece un caso único, algo nuevo en el contexto latinoamericano", dijo el vicepresidente de Políticas de AS/COA, Brian Winter, a La Nación.
Bukele’s party expanded its supermajority in El Salvador’s election, shaped by unprecedented reforms and court rulings.