
Carnegie Corporation Awards New Grant to Americas Society

The Carnegie Corporation grant will support Americas Society’s new project to increase public awareness of the role of the private sector in Hispanic immigrant integration and highlight Hispanics’ contributions to the U.S. economy.

On July 1, the Carnegie Corporation of New York awarded a grant of $49,900 to launch Americas Society’s new project to increase public awareness of the role of the private sector in Hispanic immigrant integration and highlight Hispanics’ contributions to the U.S. economy.
Building on the Americas Society’s Rockefeller Foundation-funded Hispanic Integration Initiative, this new project—Expanding the Voice of Business on Immigration and Integration—will deepen the role of the private sector as an advocate for immigrant integration. Through a multimedia strategy, Americas Society will provide opportunities for business leaders to speak out about the importance of immigrant integration, creating a webpage that provides examples and testimonials from private-sector leaders supporting integration. Information, examples, messages, and testimonials from the private sector will be shared with journalists, opinion leaders, policymakers, and other business leaders.
Americas Society is also developing an online, easy-to-use toolkit of integration best practices for businesses around the country.
For further information about the Americas Society’s work on immigrant integration, please contact: Jason Marczak, Director of Policy


