Cuba's Revolutionary Leader Fidel Castro



The Case for Continued U.S.-Cuba Engagement

By Alana Tummino

Turning back the U.S.-Cuba rapprochement would hurt the Cuban people and U.S. companies, writes AS/COA’s Alana Tummino for

Fidel Castro's passing marks the end of an era that divided and separated the Cuban people. His death is deeply personal -- both for Cuban exiles in the United States and for Cubans on the island. Supporting policies that promote continued engagement between the United States and Cuba becomes even more important now.

True, Castro has not formally been at Cuba's helm for a decade. But his ever-present influence was felt through public appearances, grand speeches and in the landmark moments of Cuban politics, even attending Cuba's Communist Party Congress deliberations as recently as April. And his presence is physically all around you walking the streets of Havana. From signs and billboards, to painted slogans on the sides of concrete walls and buildings.

Lauded as much for his country's social gains in education and health as demonized for his human rights record and his tight grip on freedom of expression, the reactions to Castro's death mirrored these divergent views: tears and mourning from some on one side of the Florida Straits, and celebratory parades on the other....

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