
Colombian Presidential Election: What Is at Stake for the Colombian People?

By Adriana Aristizábal

COA's Eric Farnsworth explains the similarities between both Colombian presidential candidates though their subtle differences are being amplified in the campaigns.

The Colombian presidential election campaign appears to hinge on a significant controversy; Colombians want the war to end with rebel groups. However, "how" each candidate proposes to solve this problem is what will make the difference in the voting booth next Sunday. What method will be favored to end the violence that has existed for over five decades in the country? The new president will be dealing with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia; the extremist rebel group better known as FARC.

Candidates, Juan Manuel Santos & Oscar Ivan Zuluaga, purport similar policies but diverge dramatically and considerably when it comes to dealing with the FARC. In the last three months, the candidates have been increasingly accused for using dirty propaganda against each other and social media has been used as a strategic platform in the matter....

Eric Farnsworth, Vice President of the Council of the Americas and Americas Society, said "from a macro level point of view, both candidates are quite similar in some ways; they both have a background in government finance, shared views on growing the economy, support foreign investment, encourage continued good relations with the United States and both want to continue the discussion in terms of the peace negotiations... now they may do that differently in detail, but at the macro level there are subtle differences that are being amplified in campaigns everywhere you go...."

Read the full article here.


