
A Consensus-Seeker at the IDB

By Brian Winter

Ilan Goldfajn is trying to navigate Latin America’s deep polarization, while also pushing a “change of culture” at the region’s multilateral lender.

WASHINGTON – He is the man who accomplished the nearly impossible: Getting Jair Bolsonaro and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to agree on something. Nominated for his job by the former Brazilian president and confirmed by the current one, Ilan Goldfajn has had some success navigating the Americas’ profound political divides over the past year and a half as the president of the region’s Washington-based multilateral lender, the Inter-American Development Bank, or IDB. Bespectacled and good-humored, the Israeli-born Goldfajn, 58, has drawn on his experience at Brazil’s central bank...

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