Man walking in Caracas.

Man walking in Caracas. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Experiencias: Isadora Zubillaga on Venezuela’s Fight for Freedom

The diplomat shares how she convinced the EU to get behind Juan Guaidó.

“From very early on they know that Mom is working for the freedom of their country.”

She eventually transitioned into diplomacy in Europe, and worked to get European governments to acknowledge Juan Guaidó. “We would go to ministries of foreign affairs through the back doors—literally,” she said. “We would meet at cafes; they wouldn’t give us their business cards because they didn’t want to be related to us.” She describes her persistence as a key to success and continues her fight for a free and prosperous Venezuela from France.  

Her commitment to a cause she emphasizes is “bigger than us” can be exhausting, especially since she’s also the mother of two. Segal asked her how she balances the two roles. “Well, the first thing you need to know is that this is a family commitment,” says Zubillaga. “Everyone here is involved, even the children. From very early on they know that Mom is working for the freedom of their country.” Rather than feeling guilty for your work and your passion, use it as inspiration for your children and be a role model that they can aspire to, she advised.  

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"Experiencias: Conversations with Women Leading the Americas"

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This episode was produced by Luisa Leme, Sarah Bons, and Elizabeth Gonzalez. The music in this podcast was performed at Americas Society in New York. Learn more about concerts online at

