
McCain Says Amendments Could Sink Immigration Reform

Senator John McCain addressed immigration during COA’s Annual Washington Conference saying he is “guardedly optimistic” about the bill’s passage in the Senate.

WASHINGTON – Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), part of the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” who drafted an immigration reform bill, warned Wednesday that the measure could fail if too many amendments are added.

In a speech at the 43rd Annual Washington Conference on the Americas, co-hosted by the U.S. Department of State and the Council of the Americas, McCain said he was “guardedly optimistic” with regard to the bill’s chances for passage in the Senate.

He added, however, that “compromises were made” to produce a comprehensive proposal, “and if there are efforts made to destroy that delicate compromise then it could fall apart.”

Of the 301 amendments presented on Tuesday in the Senate Judiciary Committee, McCain said that he will not support at least two of them that seek to regularize the situation of immigrants involved in same-sex marriages with U.S. citizens....

Read the full article here.

