
Meet the Chelemeras: The Maya Women Who Restore Mangroves in Mexico’s Yucatán

By Bénédicte Desrus

Internationally hailed, the reforestation project run by 14 women targets these life-sheltering, shoreline-protecting ecosystems.

Photographs by Bénédicte Desrus / Reporting by Mark Viales This article is adapted from AQ's special report on the 2024 U.S. presidential election and its impact on Latin America .inside-article, .entry-content , .large-header-image , .featured_caption , .site.grid-container, #page{background:#000 !important} / .entry-content {margin-top:0;padding-top:10px} / #page {width:100vw;max-width:100vw !important} .large-header-image {margin-bottom:0;} .entry-content {max-width:1240px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto} .inside-article, .inside-article p , .byline, .byline a ,.entry-header,...

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