Carla Catalán

Carla Catalán. (Image via Americas Society video)

Music of the Americas: Back to Chiloé

A trip back to the Chilean Patagonia highlights traditional and indigenous sounds from the Los Lagos region. 

Americas Society is your home for exploring the culture and current affairs of Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada. Become a member today and receive exclusive benefits, while also joining us in our mission to increase awareness of the Americas and the ties that bind our nations together.

This week, En Casa returns to Chiloé with videos compiled by Caro Guttmann from Fundación Domo that represent a fresh take on Indigenous and traditional music from the beautiful island. Williche group Anklaje, Vale Zapata, and Carla Catalán share original compositions and traditional pieces. 

En Casa: Anklaje

Tuesday, March 11, 10 am

Anklaje (singer Neddiel Muñoz Millalonco, percussionist and actor Marco Garrido López, and Claudio Pérez Llaiquel) was founded in 2010 to preserve traditional Williche song from Chiloé. They combine traditional music with Western elements to create a contemporary vision of traditional music. They have released three albums and appeared onstage in Chile, Argentina, and Europe. 

"Pewma tañi pichiche" (Dream, Child) included in Wiyil Tukun Pu Püllü, the band's first album, is a lullaby inspired by Indigenous children. 

En Casa: Vale Zapata

Wednesday, March 12, 10 am

Vale Zapata is back, with Francisca Aguirre Díaz, to share a recording of "Madre tierra," an ecocueca composed in collaboration with Dana Romero Videla in 2022.

En Casa: Carla Catalán

Thursday, March 13, 10 am 

Carla Catalán is back with "Entretengo mi alma," a song that, through the tranposition of the guitar, explores female eroticism and self-knowledge, as well as a rebellion against patriarchy and religiously imposed guilt.

En Casa: Anklaje

Friday, March 14, 10 am 

We close the week with another video by Anklaje, "Chawme wein" (The Meeting). The song, compiled by Neddiel among the Indigenous communities of Chiloé, was passed on to her by the then leader Carlos Lincomán.


The MetLife Foundation Music of the Americas concert series is made possible by the generous support of Presenting Sponsor MetLife Foundation.

The 2024-2025 series is also supported, in part, by the Howard Gilman Foundation, Augustine Foundation, Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, Mex-Am Cultural Foundation, Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University, and Mid Atlantic Arts.

Howard Gilman Foundation NYC DCA New York Council on the Arts  

