Natalia Mendoza Aquino and Luana Aquino. (Image: Jeisson Rodríguez)

Natalia Mendoza Aquino and Luana Aquino. (Image: Jeisson Rodríguez) 

Music of the Americas: Jeporeka, Week 1

This week is dedicated to the Paraguayan songwriting initiative created by guitarist Berta Rojas.

En Casa this week is dedicated to Jeporeka, a project created by our friend, the superstar Paraguayan guitarist Berta Rojas, to support young artists in her country. The second iteration of Jeporeka, produced in 2021, teamed up singers, composers, and lyricists to create original bilingual songs inspired by remarkable works of Paraguayan art.

The participants worked with a stellar cast of Paraguayan, Argentine, and Brazilian artists under the direction of Rojas and Artistic Director Popi Spatocco. Instructors included composers Spatocco, Juan Quintero, and Víctor Heredia, poet Mario Rubén Álvarez, and singers Lizza Bogado and Mônica Salmaso.

After intense online discussions, lectures, and lessons over July and August, the group's final songs were recorded in Asunción in September, and the project was launched in November. We will share the individual songs over two weeks this spring.

The music was recorded, edited, and mixed by Sergio Cuquejo at Spirit and Sound Studio. The videos were directed by Jeisson Rodríguez, edited by Noelia Armele, and filmed by Carlos J. Bogado and Juan Iglesias for Aura Audiovisual.

Recuerdos will be back later this month.

Ka'aguy ñe'ẽ mondo

Monday, January 31, 10 a.m.

"Ka'aguy ñe'ẽ mondo" (Message from the Forest)

by Fernando González, Andrea Robadín, and Nelson Ferreira. 

This piece was inspired by Edith Jiménez's 1967 woodcut "Los dedos en la madera.”


Teko hovyũ resay Tears of green life
Emyãkȳmína ko che kū, Moisten my tongue
Tohendu che remiandu Let the men without conscience
Mayma ava akã´ȳ; Who burn me in their ignorance
Itavýgui che rapy. Hear my roar.
Ysyry che kyvy ku´i Stream, my little brother
Oñondive ñañemoĩ Let us join forces
Ko´ã py´a javorái These dirty hearts
Mañei piko ndoikuaái Are indifferent, as if they didn't know
Ivaiha tekoha ñembyai. That destroying nature is fatal. 
¡Grita mi alma seca, My dry soul cries,
Me lastima tanta espera, mi destino es agua fresca; con ella quiero vivir! I am wounded by so much waiting, my destiny is to be fresh water, with which I want to live!
Canta la conciencia en la tierra del jazmín, brota la esperanza azucenas en abril. A conscience sings in the land of the jasmine, hope springs from the lilies in April. 
Vuelve la pureza con clemencia en mi jardín, Purity returns alongside clemency in my garden, 
Ha upe hovasyva’ekue péina hory He who was sad now is happy, 
Otro vierne rovasy, Another sad Friday
Rige el ardiente kuarahy, The burning sun rules
el cielo de humo se nubló quieren llevarse mi ilusión; y detener mi corazón. The sky is clouded by smoke, they want to take away my illusion and stop my heart. 
¡Grita mi alma seca ... My dry soul cries ...



  • Fernando González, Andrea Robadín, Nelson Ferreira, and Jimmy Peralta, vocals
  • Víctor “Vichito” Echeverría, accordion
  • Dani Pavetti, drums and percussion 
  • Juan Pablo Giménez, bass
  • Andrea Robadín, flute
  • Fernando Garbarino, guitar
  • Sergio Cuquejo, piano

Tuesday, February 1, 10 a.m.


by Hugo Carlson, Alicia Gómez, and Roberto Aquino

This song was inspired by the painting “Tranvía a la Casa de Gaudi," by Mabel Arcondo.


Raíces me llevan al gran despertar de mi cantar, canto tropical. The roots spark the great awakening of my voice, tropical song.
Así esperando aquel regreso que anhelo tanto, I wait for the return for which I long,
Y vas arrullando mi alma. And you sooth my soul.
Y en la oscuridad resistir sin temor And in darkness, I resist heartbreak
al desamor, o a tu tibio adiós. and your warm farewell without fear.
Todas las noches mirando al cielo, buscando tanto… Every night I look at the sky, searching for so much...
Aquella luna llena. That full moon. 
Y oigo su llanto vibrante llevando su candor. And I hear her vibrant cries carrying her warmth. 
El Kyju cantando un concierto con una alegre danza. The cricket gives a concert with its joyful dance.
La brisa nocturna que fresca abraza mi caminar. The fresh night breeze hugs my steps. 
Aquellos colores que van pintando tus esperanzas. Those colors paint your hopes.
Cual trinar de un pájaro va mi voz buscando tu amor… Like a bird's song, my voice searches for your love
Che Valle florido del cual yo partí, Oh, flowering valley I left behind,
Quiero volver algún día a ti. I want to return to you one day. 
Buscando verdes enredaderas cual fina seda Searching green ivies, fine as silk
Entre las ramas viejas. Among old branches. 
Y cuando llegue mi tiempo ya And when my time to return
De regresar, quisiera llevar Is near, I would like to carry with me
Todos los frutos que recogí lleno de quebranto All the fruits that I sorrowfully gathered
Muy lejos de mi tierra. Far away from my land. 
Sobrevivir para luego en ti cultivar mi amor.  To survive in order to later harvest my love in you. 
El Kyju cantando un concierto con una alegre danza ... The cricket...



  • Hugo Carlson, Alicia Gómez, vocals
  • Sixto Corbalán, harp
  • Dani Pavetti, drums and percussion
  • Juan Pablo Giménez, bass
  • Fernando Garbarino, guitar
  • Juan Cancio Barreto, requinto

Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional del Paraguay, conducted by Sergio Cuquejo

  • Rodolfo E. Britos, Vicente Ballester, Rubén D. Jara, Pablo A. Núñez, Ivonne Iturry, Fabio Araujo, Gabriela Rodríguez, Pier Luigi Tesei, José Tadeo Oliveira, Paola J. Goydy, María V. Sosa, Rafael A. Aquino, Juan P. Martínez, Jeannette Bogado, violins
  • Paulo R. Alonso, Lise B. Núñez, Débora Salinas, José Benítez, violas
  • Héctor Daniel Rodríguez, Rita Brazeiro, Florencia Ocampos, Matías Torres, cellos
  • Roberto Aquino, piano

Wednesday, February 2, 10 a.m.


by Edgar Nino Rodríguez, Anthony Carrillo, Nat Mendoza, and Luana Aquino

This song is a hymn inspired in the 1963 woodcut "El Torturado," by Olga Blinder.


Herederos de tu canto que un día prohibieron Heirs to your once-banned song, 
Hoy cantamos tu historia, today we sing your story,
Honrando lucha y memoria. honoring your struggle and your memory.
Hijos de sobrevivientes, Children of survivors,
Poesía “escrita a fuerza Poetry "written on the strength
A fuerza de uñas y latidos” Of nails and heartbeats"
De esa cólera que limpia. Of that cleansing wrath.
De la pena nació un jahe’o, from that sorrow was born a sorrowful song,
Oraháva pe pytumby That carries all shadows
Cual blanca pykasumi Like a white dove
Guiándonos al cielo Guiding us to heaven. 
Somos… a pesar de todo We are... in spite of everything,
Somos los que aún… seguimos We are the ones who still... carry on. 
En el yvu de la paz We will quench our thirst
Saciaremos nuestra sed In the spring of peace, 
Seguir y sobrevivir To carry on and to survive,
Espantando los miedos. Waving away our fears. 
Re-escribir el libro To rewrite the book
Es siempre muy urgente Is always very urgent, 
Hetáma ahasa asy I have suffered so much, 
Tengo ganas de vivir. I want to live.
Somos… a pesar de todo We are... in spite of everything,
Somos los que aún… seguimos We are the ones who still... carry on. 
Tekoporã ha joayhu, A decent life and love in community,
Upéicha jaikova’erã. That is how we must live.
Aníke tesaráipe jaiko. Let us not live in the past. 
Tekoporã ha joayhu  We are, in spite of everything.
Upéicha jaikova’erã  We are the ones who still carry on.
Aníke tesaráipe jaiko  We are, in spite of everything
Somos a pesar de todo (Queremos ventanas abiertas) We are, in spite of everything (We want open windows)
Somos los que aún seguimos (Abiertas a la justicia) We are the ones who still carry on (Open to Justice)
Somos a pesar de todo (Abiertas al amor) We are, in spite of everything (Open to love)
Somos los que aún (Somos la memoria) We are the ones who still... (We are memory)
Seguimos (los que aún seguimos) ... carry on (the ones who carry on)
Creemos (los que aún creemos) ... believe (the ones who still believe)
Soñamos (los que aún soñamos) ... dream (the ones who still dream)
Vivimos (los que aún vivimos) ... live (the ones who still live)
los que aún… seguimos, creemos, soñamos, vivimos. the ones who still... carry on, believe, dream, live. 



  • Luana Aquino, Anthony Carrillo, Nat Mendoza, Edgar "Nino" Rodríguez, vocals
  • Alfredo Carrillo, Lucas Martínez, Pachín Centurión, Malena Bareiro, Celsa Ramírez, chorus
  • Sixto Corbalán, harp
  • Juan Pablo Giménez, bass
  • Dani Pavetti, drums and percussion
  • Anthony Carrillo, Edgar “Nino” Rodríguez, guitars

Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional del Paraguay, conducted by Sergio Cuquejo

  • Rodolfo E. Britos, Vicente Ballester, Rubén D. Jara, Pablo A. Núñez, Ivonne Iturry, Fabio Araujo, Gabriela Rodríguez, Pier Luigi Tesei, José Tadeo Oliveira, Paola J. Goydy, María V. Sosa, Rafael A. Aquino, Juan P. Martínez, Jeannette Bogado, violins
  • Paulo R. Alonso, Lise B. Núñez, Débora Salinas, José Benítez, violas
  • Héctor Daniel Rodríguez, Rita Brazeiro, Florencia Ocampos, Matías Torres, cellos
  • Sergio Cuquejo, piano
Kuarahy pyahu

Thursday, February 3, 10 a.m.

"Kuarahy pyahu" (New Sun)

by Alejandra Almada, María José Rodríguez, and Mijael Peralta

This song is inspired by “Paz del Chaco,” created in 2007 by Joaquín Sánchez. 


El cielo me rodea en esta oscura noche. The sky surrounds me during this dark night. 
Mi patria aún dormida reclama un nuevo día. My still-sleeping homeland clamors for a new day. 
A veces me pregunto si todo fue un mal sueño, Sometimes I wonder if everything was a bad dream,
Pero en el suelo embarrado tus huellas han quedado. But your footsteps remain on the muddy ground. 
Al estrechar nuestras manos veo sentir en tu mirada, When we stretch out our hands I see the feeling in your gaze, 
Mirada como un eterno descanso después de tanto batallar, batallar. A gaze as an eternal rest after fighting for so long.
Oh! Oh!
Una Voz he’iva ñandeve, A voice that tells us,
Oh! Bajo la luz de esta aurora: Oh! Under the light of dawn:
Que permanezca la paz ha arandu ta hesakã Let peace remain and wisdom shine. 
Un nuevo sol brilla aquí amanece la hermandad, A new sun shines here and brotherhood dawns,
Que con luz incandescente apartó esa oscuridad. That with incandescent light broke the darkness.
Enlacemos nuestra sangre por aquellos que se han ido, Let us join our blood for those who are gone,
Y brindemos hoy unidos por los sueños que vendrán. And let us toast together to the dreams that will come.
Roimeháicha paraguayo All Paraguayans,
Rojurava’ekue con razón, Who rightfully swore, 
Purahéi porãme he’iháicha As Emiliano says in his beautiful song, Inspiration. 
Inspiración jepopyhype rohaíta With this handshake we will write
Pyahu ore retã.  New odes to our nation. 
Ha tekove arandu porã, And a good, intelligent existence,
Apurahéi haguã esta canción. To sing this song.
Roimeháicha paraguayo ... All Paraguayans...
Py’aguapy, sãso ha mborayhu. Peace, freedom, and love. 
Paraguái yvágare akóinte toveve pykasu morotĩ. Let the white dove forever fly in the skies of Paraguay.
Paraguaigua ore rekópe, guaraníme rombojegua ore remiandu. As authentic Paraguayans, with Guarani we decorate our feelings.
Paraguayo… Paraguayans...
Che kuña guapa, eguata mbegue, Brave woman, walk slowly, 
ani ndepy'arag̃e  Don't hurry, 
ndevoi ha’égui upe tenda reg̃uahẽva’erãha. You are the destination where you must arrive. 
Somos el Ñandutí que tejió la raza Guaraní. We are the embroidery woven by the Guarani race. 
Que la unión, la justicia y la felicidad se aniden en nuestra nación. Let union, justice, and joy make a nest in our nation.
Con este canto te pido, prevalezca la consciencia, With this song I beg you, let consciousness prevail,
Ilumina de sabiduría esa mente, vive, trabaja y ama con pasión. Illuminate that mind with wisdom, live, work, and love passionately.
Sa’ykuéra ha mbojojaha, che pire ha aváre ohechakuaa, Colors and mixtures that can be seen in my hair and my brown skin.
mombyrýramo aime agueraha che ruguýpe guarani reko añete. And even if I am far away, I carry within myself the blood that I inherited.
No hay nada más valioso que la libertad, There is nothing more valuable than freedom,
la libertad de ser lo que somos, lo que elegimos ser, ser paraguayos. Freedom to be what we are, what we chose to be, Paraguayans.



  • Alejandra Almada, María José Rodríguez, Mijael Peralta, vocals
  • Mijael Peralta, María José Rodríguez, Alejandra Almada, Melissa Hicks, Fernando González, Alicia Gómez, Hugo Carlson, Nelson Ferreira, Lilian Aliente, Jimmy Peralta, Anthony Carrillo, chorus
  • Juan Pablo Giménez, bass
  • Fernando Garbarino, Mijael Peralta, guitars
  • Matías Peralta, drums

Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional del Paraguay, conducted by Sergio Cuquejo

  • Rodolfo E. Britos, Vicente Ballester, Rubén D. Jara, Pablo A. Núñez, Ivonne Iturry, Fabio Araujo, Gabriela Rodríguez, Pier Luigi Tesei, José Tadeo Oliveira, Paola J. Goydy, María V. Sosa, Rafael A. Aquino, Juan P. Martínez, Jeannette Bogado, violins
  • Paulo R. Alonso, Lise B. Núñez, Débora Salinas, José Benítez, violas
  • Héctor Daniel Rodríguez, Rita Brazeiro, Florencia Ocampos, Matías Torres, cellos
  • Sergio Cuquejo, piano
Ojo de Mar

Friday, February 4, 10 a.m.

"Ojo de Mar"

by Jimmy Peralta, Vicky Díaz, and Leticia Galeano

This song is inspired by "Bajo agua," a painting by Silvana Nuovo that belongs to the series Solo la belleza puede apaciguar la noche. 


Arrebato, deseo y pasión Rapture, desire, and passion
Nostalgia, ruego y canción Longing, prayer, and song
La tierra prometida descubrí I discovered the promised land
Sagrado territorio guaraní Sacred Guarani territory. 
Tiempo atrás, la furia de un volcán conoció Some time ago, it knew the fury of a volcano
Y al norte de Amambay, agua clara brotó And to the north of Amambay clear water sprang. 
La leyenda del Ojo de Mar… The legend of the Eye of the Sea
Al único testigo enamoró. Enchanted the only witness
Sé que existe aquella dama que llora al anochecer. I know that the lady who cries at sunset exists.
Quienes quieren conquistarla Those who want to conquer her
Aún no logran entender Still don't understand
la canción que esconde lágrimas de amor y amanecer… that song that hides tears of love and dawn...
Testigo de Yrãsema fui yo, I witnessed the water's whispers, 
Presagio de placer y dolor Omens of pleasure and pain
Con ella mi alma comprendí With her I understood my soul
Siento el latido guaraní I feel the Guarani heartbeat
Tiempo atrás, la furia de un volcán conoció Some time ago...



  • Jimmy Peralta, Vicky Díaz, vocals
  • Vicky Díaz, harp
  • Fernando Garbarino, guitar
  • Juan Pablo Giménez, bass
  • Dani Pavetti, drums

Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional del Paraguay, conducted by Sergio Cuquejo

  • Rodolfo E. Britos, Vicente Ballester, Rubén D. Jara, Pablo A. Núñez, Ivonne Iturry, Fabio Araujo, Gabriela Rodríguez, Pier Luigi Tesei, José Tadeo Oliveira, Paola J. Goydy, María V. Sosa, Rafael A. Aquino, Juan P. Martínez, Jeannette Bogado, violins
  • Paulo R. Alonso, Lise B. Núñez, Débora Salinas, José Benítez, violas
  • Héctor Daniel Rodríguez, Rita Brazeiro, Florencia Ocampos, Matías Torres, cellos
  • Sergio Cuquejo, piano

The MetLife Foundation Music of the Americas concert series is made possible by the generous support of Presenting Sponsor MetLife Foundation.

MetLife Foundation


The Spring 2022 Music program is also supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and by the Howard Gilman Foundation.


     Howard Gilman Foundation  NYSCA

