Pablo Ziegler & Masae Shiwa

Pablo Ziegler & Masae Shiwa. (Image: Maria Gracia Geraci)

Music of the Americas: Live Tango and Multimedia Performances

The week features music from Argentina and Costa Rica on En Casa, and a tango and a multimedia event live in New York. 

The duo of Damián Verdún and Mauro Ciavattini are back on En Casa with an original composition, and Costa Rican guitarist Edmundo Núñez Incer of the Cuarteto de Guitarras de Costa Rica is back with a solo on an original piece. Live onstage in New York, the tango piano duo of Pablo Ziegler and Masae Shiwa present music by Ziegler and Piazzolla, and Colombian performance artist Camilo Godoy presents his new work "Amor eficaz," featuring dancers and pianist Mariel Mayz.

Support the En Casa performances of tomorrow with a gift to Music at Americas Society today!

En Casa: Damián Verdún & Mauro Ciavattini

Monday, May 13, 10 am

The Argentine duo of Damián Verdún (charango) and Mauro Ciavattini (woodwinds) is back with one of Ciavattini's compositions, "Niño de sal."

Music of the Americas: Pablo Ziegler & Masae Shiwa

Tuesday, May 14, 7 pm

The Nuevo Tango piano duo performs Piazzolla's classics and Ziegler's own compositions.

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Camilo Godoy: Amor eficaz

Wednesday, May 15, 7 pm

This new multimedia project by Colombian artist Camilo Godoy brings together speech, dance, and music to invoke the activism of the Colombian priest Father Camilo Torres Restrepo (1929–1966), who is also the artist’s namesake.

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En Casa: Edmundo Núñez Incer

Thursday, May 16, 10 am

Costa Rican guitarist and composer Edmundo Núñez Incer studied at the Universidad de Costa Rica with Luis Zumbado, Ramonet Rodríguez, Luis Diego Herra, and Carlos Castro. While a student, he performed and recorded with several guitar ensembles. He is founding member of the Cuarteto de Guitarras de Costa Rica, with which he has toured the Americas and Europe, and which received the Premio Nacional de Música en Interpretación Carlos Vargas in 2017. The quartet has recorded some of his compositions in their albums Eso es Imposible (2011) and Noche Caribe (2017), for which it was nominated to the Premio ACAM in the instrumental music category, as well as in their upcoming release.

From San José, he sent this version of his "Preludio."


The MetLife Foundation Music of the Americas concert series is made possible by the generous support of Presenting Sponsor MetLife Foundation.

The Spring 2024 Music program is also supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, by the Howard Gilman Foundation, by the Arthur F. and Alice E. Adams Charitable Foundation, by the Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, by the Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University, by The Amphion Foundation, by the Augustine Foundation, and by the Mex-Am Cultural Foundation.

New York Council on the Arts             Howard Gilman Foundation

