El Dorado Part II artwork

Ronny Quevedo, los desaparecidos (the arbiter of time), 2018.


The New York Times Includes Americas Society Exhibition in Its Best Art of 2024 Write-Up

By Holland Cotter

The newspaper says that El Dorado: Myths of Gold "confirms the valuable scholarly work being done by small institutions outside the mainstream."

Art-wise, 2024 had an in-between-things vibe. It was a year of big-deal biennials, but the consensus was that none delivered much firepower. There was a lot of talk about money—what sold for what, and to whom—but no radically record-busting news. In general, the institutional art world veered, as it always does, between uplift (some strong museum shows) and cringe (the $6.2 million banana). I’ll go mostly with uplift in the (unranked) list of highlights below. [...]

‘El Dorado’ 

Installed in Americas Society’s small Manhattan gallery, the second half of the ambitious two-part exhibition called El Dorado: Myths of Gold opened last January. As compelling to look at as it was to think about, it considered gold both as a substance of spiritual allure to Indigenous peoples of the ancient Americas, as an early magnet of European colonial acquisition, and as a spur to an empire-building still very much with us. With art including cast-gold pre-Hispanic sculptures, gilded church altarpieces and critically reflective work by contemporary artists, the show confirms the valuable scholarly work being done by small institutions outside the mainstream...

See the full article.

El Dorado: Myths of Gold

The group exhibition on the legend of El Dorado as a foundational myth of the Americas ran from January 24 through May 18, 2024.

