
No Tears for Argentina

By John Authers

"[Argentina] lacks strong institutions after the 2001 crisis and more than a decade of Peronism, and inflation remains uncomfortably high. But the mood among investors, at least, is very upbeat," says FT's Senior Investment Commentator John Authers in reference to AS/COA's Argentina Investment Conference.  

In Argentina, President Mauricio Macri's party has survived midterm elections, and the administration is moving on with difficult but vitally important reforms to pensions, and to labour laws. Inflations remains high but at least it is falling. And of course, the country managed to launch a 100-year bond earlier this year.

There are plenty of reasons for nerves about Argentin. It lacks strong institutions after the 2001 crisis and more than a decade of Peronism, and inflation remains uncomfortably high. But the mood among investors, at least, is very upbeat....

Read the full article here.

