
Obama Heads to Mexico, Costa Rica

By Kent Klein

Previewing President Barack Obama’s trip to Mexico, AS/COA’s Eric Farnsworth comments on Mexico’s crucial role to U.S. job creation and economic growth.

WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama leaves Thursday for a two-day visit to Mexico and Costa Rica. The president’s meetings with the leaders of Mexico and  Central America will focus on strengthening economic ties.

President Obama says economic development will be the main topic when he meets with Enrique Pena Nieto for the first time since the Mexican president took office.

“We have spent so much time on security issues between the United States and Mexico that sometimes I think we forget this is a massive trading partner, responsible for huge amounts of commerce and huge numbers of jobs on both sides of the border,"  he said.

The trading relationship with Mexico is crucial to the U.S. economy, according to analyst Eric Farnsworth at the Council of the Americas.

"$1.4 billion a day crossing the border between our two countries. That is an extraordinary amount of trade and commerce every single day.  We know that approximately six million U.S. jobs depend on trade with Mexico," Farnsworth said….

Read more on this article here.

