
Slideshow: Celebrating Day of the Dead in Peru

By David Gacs

At the Virgen del Lourdes cemetery, limeños come together to celebrate Day of the Dead.

Every year on November 1 Peruvians flock to cemeteries to celebrate Día de los muertos, or Day of the Dead, a popular religious holiday where family members honor loved ones who have passed away.

In Lima, one of the most popular destinations on this day is the Virgen del Lourdes cemetery, located on the outskirts of the city in the Villa María del Triunfo district. Locals claim the cemetery, which covers approximately 63 hectares and houses an estimated 120,000 tombs, is the second largest in the world. The graveyard turns into a carnival every year as families come together to celebrate dead loved ones.

Special thanks go to Arturo Quispe Lázaro of Construyendo Nuestra Interculturalidad, a Peruvian culture magazine, for his assistance on this slideshow.

Go to AQ Online to view the slideshow.

