Statement: AS/COA Remains Committed to Defending Democracy and Equality amid Recent Protests
Statement: AS/COA Remains Committed to Defending Democracy and Equality amid Recent Protests
In the 55 years since its founding, Americas Society/Council of the Americas has continued to be steadfast in its mission to promote democracy, equality, freedom of speech, liberty, and justice throughout the hemisphere.
Dear Members and Friends,
We at the Americas Society and Council of the Americas deeply believe in democracy, equality, freedom of speech, liberty, and justice for all. We have been steadfast in carrying out our mission throughout the hemisphere since the founding of our organizations over 55 years ago.
The killing of George Floyd last week caused us outrage and sadness as it exposed the racism, bias, and unequal opportunity present throughout our society. It also led to much reflection about our values, not just in the United States, but throughout the Americas and the world. It demonstrated once again the magnitude of the challenges we have in front of us to finally arrive at a more equal society.
The subsequent events have also highlighted once again the importance of democracy, freedom of the press, and the right to express all opinions and demonstrate without repression and violence.
These are the values which have guided our work throughout the hemisphere and will continue to drive our mission and our lives.