Venezuela Crisis: In Latin America, Tough Trump Rhetoric Increasingly in Vogue
Venezuela Crisis: In Latin America, Tough Trump Rhetoric Increasingly in Vogue
“Latin America without the US is not going to make any meaningful changes in Venezuela," said AS/COA's Eric Farnsworth on the Venezuelan crisis.
Vice President Mike Pence knows first-hand about the shift among South American countries to a more interventionist approach to Venezuela’s economic collapse and deepening – and spreading – humanitarian crisis.
Far less clear, some regional experts say, is whether a tougher stance toward Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro gives Latin American countries any leverage to force changes in their collapsing neighbor.
A year ago when Mr. Pence stopped off in Bogotá as part of a swing through the region, his hint that the United States included military force among its “many options” for addressing Venezuela’s “tragedy of tyranny” met with a stern retort from then-Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos.