Experts & Leadership


Former Director and Chief Curator, Visual Arts



Gabriela Rangel is a Venezuelan curator, critic, and writer. Rangel holds an M.A. in curatorial studies from the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College, an M.A. in media and communications studies from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Caracas, and a B.A. in film studies from the International Film School at San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. She was the director and chief curator of Visual Arts at Americas Society from 2004 to 2019. She curated and co-curated exhibitions on the work of Silvia Gruner, Marta Minujín, Gego, Gordon Matta Clark, Xul Solar, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Juan Downey, and Dias & Riedweg, among others. Rangel also contributed to exhibition catalogues and periodicals on topics related to the critical revision of modernisms in Latin America such as Parkett, Art in America, Trans, and Art Nexus.



Contributions from Gabriela Rangel

Nueva York exhibe los comienzos de Gego
/ Andreína Martínez Santiso /

El Nacional

El Nacional de Venezuela anunció la apertura de “Gego: Origin and Encounter, Mastering the Space” en la galería de arte de Americas Society en Nueva York, donde en 1969 la artista presentó su obra Reticulárea por primera vez en Estados Unidos.

Antonio Manuel ganha retrospectiva em Nova York

Agência O Globo

"Antonio Manuel is a very important artist for this period [during the 1960s and 1970s], in between the intersection of conceptual art, neo-concretism, and pop art," says AS/COA's Gabriela Rangel speaking of Americas Society's exhibition Antonio Manuel: I Want to Act, Not Represent! (em portugues)

Arturo Herrera: Les Noces (The Wedding)
/ Susan Segal /

The Huffington Post

On February 3, 2011, Americas Society will premier its latest exhibit featuring artist Arturo Herrera. The exhibition, titled Arturo Herrera: Les Noces (The Wedding) and curated by Gabriela Rangel (Americas Director of Society Visual Arts) is guaranteed to touch upon all the senses of the spectator.