News & Analysis

Handling Dissent in the OAS: Can Hillary Clinton Negotiate Honduras' Return?
/ Christopher Sabatini

"As with the outcome at the last OAS General Assembly, some artful diplomacy could produce a positive step that will finally—for the good of regional diplomacy and Honduras—help to move this process along," writes AS/COA's Christopher Sabatini, discussing the forthcoming meeting of regional heads in Peru. Honduras' readmission prospects into the bloc are expected to take center stage during talks.

Energy in Peru: Opportunities and Challenges
/ Nicole Spencer

The AS/COA Energy Action Group's new working paper explores the transformation of Peru’s oil and gas sector from an industry in decline to a major contributor for economic growth in Peru. The paper makes several recommendations based on Peru’s experience but intended for broader hemispheric consideration.

Rebuilding Haiti House by House
/ Claudio Castro

Un Techo Para Mi País' Claudio Castro writes about the organization's work in Haiti, where construction of transitional houses and the establishment of social inclusion programs—carried out under Haitian leadership—is helping to rebuild the country. View a slideshow of Un Techo's programs in Haiti and Chile.

Lula Takes Tehran
/ Eric Farnsworth

"Rather than working with the United States, Europe, and the other BRIC nations to build a more secure global environment, Lula's gambit risks enabling an outcome that could dramatically heighten regional and indeed global tensions," writes COA's Eric Farnsworth, discussing the Brazilian President's trip to Iran.

Lula's Tehran Trip
/ Michal Toiba

As Brazil seeks to increase its clout on the global stage, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva traveled to Tehran this weekend to play a role in a deal that would see Iran deposit nuclear fuel in Turkey. But the deal is unlikely to curtail a push for further sanctions on Iran.