The Capacity to Combat Corruption Index
The Capacity to Combat Corruption Index
Americas Society/Council of the Americas (AS/COA) and Control Risks co-publish the Capacity to Combat Corruption (CCC) Index. First launched in 2019, the Index assesses Latin American countries’ ability to detect, punish and prevent corruption.
Rather than measuring perceived levels of corruption, the CCC Index evaluates and ranks countries based on how effectively they can combat corruption. Countries with a higher score are deemed more likely to see corrupt actors prosecuted and punished. Continued impunity is more likely in countries at the lower end of the scale.
The CCC Index’s goal is not to shame or single out countries, but to foster a policy-driven discussion, helping governments, civil society and the private sector identify—through data and a robust methodology—areas of success and deficiencies to be addressed.
The fifth edition of AS/COA and Control Risks’ CCC Index explores 15 Latin American countries’ ability to detect, punish, and prevent corruption.
The fourth edition of AS/COA and Control Risks’ CCC Index explores 15 Latin American countries’ ability to detect, punish, and prevent corruption.
The third edition of AS/COA and Control Risks’ CCC Index explores 15 Latin American countries’ ability to detect, punish, and prevent corruption.
Now in its second edition, AS/COA and Control Risks' CCC Index explores 15 Latin American countries’ ability to uncover, punish, and prevent corruption.
AS/COA and the risk consulting firm Control Risks present the inaugural edition of the Capacity to Combat Corruption (CCC) Index, a tool to assess Latin America’s ability to uncover, punish, and deter corruption.
"Fue un año difícil para la lucha contra la corrupción a nivel regional", dijo el vicepresidente de AS/COA en referencia al Índice CCC.
El Índice existe para fomentar un debate sobre las políticas que funcionan para combatir la corrupción, dijo el vicepresidente de AS/COA.
"En el ultimo año se ha frenado un poco ese declive [de combatir la corrupción] y vemos cierta estabilidad", dijo el vicepresidente de política de AS/COA.
Los efectos de una corrupción extendida son letales, asevera el comité editorial del periódico porteño, citando nuestro Índice de Capacidad para Combatir la Corrupción.
"Para combatir efectivamente la corrupción, se necesitan instituciones, democracia y una sociedad civil fuerte", dijo el vicepresidente de política de AS/COA.