
Attracting Voters to the U.S. Primary Process
/ Jason Marczak

AS/COA Director of Policy Jason Marczak asks "Yahoo! Respuestas" users how they believe the U.S. primary process could be changed to boost voter participation. Through a partnership with Yahoo, contributers to Americas Quarterly and News & Views regularly pose questions related to policy in the Western Hemisphere.

BookTV Broadcasts AS/COA Ex Mex Event

On December 16 CSPAN2's Book TV broadcasted the AS/COA-hosted book launch of Ex Mex: From Migrants to Immigrants by Jorge Castañeda. As a former Mexican foreign affairs minister, Castañeda played a firsthand role in attempts at immigration reform. The event featured a panel discussion analyzing current debate over U.S.-Mexican immigration.

U.S. Senate Approves U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Passage

The U.S. Senate passed the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement December 4 by an overwhelming majority of 77-18. The Senate’s approval , along with the House of Representative’s strong vote last month, signals Congress' committment to providing a fair and favorable business climate that will provide jobs and economic growth in both countries.

Council of the Americas Congratulates U.S. House of Representatives on U.S.-Peru TPA

The Council of the Americas applauds the U.S. House of Representatives on passage of the US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) by an overwhelming vote of 285 to 132. The enactment of this important legislation reaffirms the strong ties that exist between the people of Peru and the United States and its effects will be felt with increased opportunities for economic growth and trade in both countries.

Catalog Release for Beginning with a Bang! Exhibition

Americas Society announces the release of a catalog for the current exhibition Beginning with a Bang! From Confrontation to Intimacy. The publication includes essays by featured artists and a historical timeline covering the shift between the explosive and experimental moment in the Argentine art scene of the 1960s and the current scene emerging after extreme crises in Argentina during the last 40 years.


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