AS/COA News Analysis

Gates' Latin American Tour

Robert Gates made his first trip to Latin America as U.S. defense secretary, beginning his five-country tour in El Salvador. The secretary's itinerary included stops in Colombia, Peru, Chile, and Suriname to focus on Washington's security ties in the region. A recent editorial co-authored by COA's Eric Farnsworth examines trade policy as a way to boost U.S.-Latin American relations.

Leaders Take World Stage at UNGA

Presidents of the Americas joined world leaders for the annual UN General Assembly (UNGA). Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva opened debate, calling for a 2012 environmental conference in Rio. Chilean President Michelle Bachelet made the case for her nation to hold a UN Human Rights Council seat and President Evo Morales of Bolivia proposed the UN convene a forum for indigenous peoples. AS/COA hosted several Latin American leaders, including Bachelet and Morales, during the week of UNGA.


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