"Tropical Is Political: Caribbean Art Under the Visitor Economy Regime…will further expand the picture," writes Holland Cotter in The New York Times.
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Tropical Is Political is featured in Hyperallergic's "guide to the museum exhibitions and art events you should check out in New York City this season."
"If Boric succeeds, I think it will have tremendous influence beyond Chile’s borders," said AS/COA's Brian Winter to Time.
"Colombia tuvo una política fiscal y monetaria bastante expansionista", dijo el Ministro de Hacienda en Infobae, hablando en una conferencia de COA.
Agencia EFE destaca la próxima exposición de Americas Society, Tropical is Political: Caribbean Art Under the Visitor Economy Regime.
"The next question is…will he end up being convicted?" said the ASCOA Online editor-in-chief.
“Como en todos los grandes desafíos, tiempo y paciencia son claves para alcanzar el éxito”, dijo la presidenta y CEO de AS/COA sobre Argentina.