Program Summaries

Secretary Rice Reflects on "Time of Change" in the Americas
/ Prepared by Jason Marczak

At the COA's Washington Conference on the Americas, Secretary Rice underscored that there has “never been a time in modern history” when the U.S. relationship with the hemisphere has been so critical. U.S. friendship is not contingent upon any ideological position; rather, the administration is committed to working with countries in advancing key development issues.

38th Washington Conference: "The Globalization of the Americas"
/ Carin Zissis

The Council of the Americas held the 38th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas on May 6 and 7, drawing together a selection of the region's most influential officials—including the presidents of the United States and Panama—to address the most pressing policy issues affecting the Western Hemisphere. Read more and access program summaries, as well as audio, from the conference.

IMF Managing Director Outlines Policies to Consolidate Regional Economic Growth
/ Jason Marczak

Speaking at the 38th Washington Conference on the Americas, IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn called for increased private and public investment and greater productivity as key factors for sustaining recent economic growth. A rebalancing of China’s exchange rate and policies to reduce the growth in food prices will be some of the next challenges facing the region and the world.


Press Inquiries
and Registration
