Program Summaries

Third Asia-Latin America Conference

Government officials from South Korea, China, and Peru, along with private sector experts and others, offered first-hand insight into current and future areas of inter-regional cooperation. Asia-Latin America free trade is on the rise as Peru prepares to host the 2008 APEC annual summit.

37th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas

The Annual Washington Conference on the Americas brought together a dynamic group of trade, finance, and foreign affairs leaders from throughout the hemisphere for discussion on "Building the Americas Consensus". The premier event took place May 1-2 at the Inter-American Development Bank and the US Department of State.<span style="\&quot;font-style:" normal;\"="">

Mexico City: Mexico in the Global Economy

Just as the Mexican Senate was approving a groundbreaking federal pension reform law, the Americas Society and Council of the Americas (AS/COA) held its 2007 Mexico City Conference to look at Mexico’s role in the global economy. With over 180 private and public sector leaders in attendance, the conference, hosted in association with the Mexican Business Council of Foreign Trade Investment and Technology (COMCE), highlighted key reforms—including labor, energy, and fiscal reforms—to improve Mexico’s competitiveness.


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