Just back from Lima, AS/COA’s vice president shares his views on what’s ahead for the Asia-Pacific bloc as it prepares for a more protectionist Washington.
Viewpoints Americas
Viewpoint: Eric Farnsworth on APEC's Pivot to China
Viewpoint: A Letter from Cartagena
AS/COA’s Adriana La Rotta reflects on attending the FARC peace ceremony in her native Colombia.
Viewpoint: Antonio Garza on Mexico and the 2016 U.S. Election
In a Q&A, former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Antonio O. Garza talks about the billions of cross-border dollars we take for granted.
Viewpoint: Four Reasons Why the U.S.-Chile Tax Treaty Is Vital
While the treaty languishes in the Senate, U.S. businesses run the risk of losing out to competitors in Chile.
Viewpoint: Macri's First 100 Days in Office
The new Argentine president is off to a confident start, but considerable hurdles—from inflation to a divided Congress—lie ahead.
Viewpoint: Argentina's New Leadership – What's Next?
Change is in store for Argentina when Mauricio Macri takes office on December 10, but challenges lie ahead for the new government.
The Americas at APEC: Three Points on the Manila Leaders' Summit
How does APEC help and hinder Latin American trade? COA Vice President Eric Farnsworth explains.