Unfortunately, media and constituents at times misconstrue trips abroad as flamboyant travel by members of Congress at taxpayers’ expense.
Viewpoints Americas
Migrants, who are 30 percent more likely to start a business than non-immigrants, can play a crucial role in reinvigorating the U.S. economy, according to this first article in Western Union’s three-part series.
The winners of the Migration Policy Institute’s E Pluribus Unum Awards, given to organizations engaged in outstanding integration initiatives, represent just some of the many local efforts to promote immigrant integration throughout the country.
The financial crisis has prompted a fundamental shift in the corporate governance landscape. John C. Wilcox, chairman of the global consultancy firm Sodali, outlines the trends that will define a new era of corporate governance.
Hispanic immigrants stand out for their ability to weather the housing crisis. A number of programs offered by financial institutions and community groups in New Orleans, Atlanta, and Nashville help support Hispanic homeownership.
U.S. President Barack Obama and his hemispheric counterparts must take concrete steps at the Summit of the Americas to head off the global financial crisis. "But they will face an uphill battle," writes AS/COA Director of Public Policy Programs Juan Cruz Díaz.
In the face of the a global economic downturn, Latin American leaders must build on successes of recent years by maintining open markets and avoiding anti-investor rhetoric, writes COA Vice President Eric Farnsworth. "To use the language of the stock market, they do not want to take policy steps that will lock in their losses," he writes.