Viewpoints Americas

Accountability Rare in Latin American Schools
/ Jeffrey M. Puryear and Laura Moodey

Jeffrey Puryear, Vice President for Social Policy at the Inter-American Dialogue, and Laura Moodey, Director for Education Policy at Fundacion IDEA, emphasize the link between accountability and improving the region’s education quality. Accountability hinges on promoting standards, information, consequences, and authority.

Capturing the Americas Opportunity
/ Canadian Minister of International Trade David Emerson

Canadian Minister of International Trade David Emerson emphasizes that strategic interests reach well beyond North America. His country is committed to helping its hemispheric partners create opportunities and reduce poverty through greater economic cooperation.

A Triple Dividend from Biofuels
/ Otaviano Canuto

Otaviano Canuto, an executive director at the World Bank, believes biofuels may yield a triple dividend: greater energy security, a cleaner environment, and more economic development. For less developed countries, biofuels offer an outlet for using idle or underemployed human and natural resources.


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