The much-anticipated event was seen as a chance to dent AMLO’s formidable poll lead. Here’s what happened during the April 22 debate.
Viewpoints Americas
Energy reforms take time to bear fruit and protectionist election pledges would lead to backstepping, writes AS/COA’s Naki Mendoza.
A January 31 deepwater oil and gas auction could bring in $93 billion in investments. AS/COA's Naki Mendoza spells out what it means in the country's larger energy context.
For the first time since NAFTA came into effect, Mexico's future will not be constrained by international commitments, writes COMEXI's Luis Rubio.
As TPP members move on without Washington, the consequences of an America First worldview are coming into sharp focus, writes AS/COA’s Eric Farnsworth.
NAFTA constitutes an anchor of stability, which is key both for internal confidence and attracting foreign investment, writes COMEXI's Luis Rubio.
El TLCAN constituye un ancla de estabilidad que es clave tanto para la confianza interna como para atraer la inversión del exterior, escribe Luis Rubio de COMEXI.