Registration: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Conference: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

(Image: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce)
2016 Brazil Summit
Speakers will address the current economic, business, and political outlook of Latin America’s largest economy.
***Note: This event is sold out.***
Organized for over a decade, the Brazil Summit convenes leading government officials, business leaders, members of the international financial community, and academia. This year’s summit will focus on key developments affecting the Brazilian economy and investment, as well as the current political outlook for Brazil.
Confirmed Speakers:*
- José Márcio Camargo, Economist, Opus Gestão de Recursos Ltda; Professor, PUC-Rio de Janeiro
- Otaviano Canuto, Executive Director at the Board, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Monica Baumgarten de Bolle, Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Adjunct Professor, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University
- Ana Cabral Petersen, Consul General, Consulate General of Brazil in New York
- Manoel Carlos de Castro Pires, Economic Policy Secretary, Ministry of Finance
- David A. Fergusson, Co-CEO and President, The M&A Advisor
- Carlos Eduardo Gonçalves, Senior Economist, IMF; Professor, USP-São Paulo
- Carlos Kawall, Chief Economist, Banco Safra
- Danil Kerimi, Director, Digital Economy and Global Technology, World Economic Forum
- Karyn Koiffman, Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP
- Kellie Meiman Hock, Managing Partner, McLarty Associates
- Henrique de Campos Meirelles, Chairman, J&F Investimentos
- Federico Mennella, Managing Director, Lincoln International
- Susan Segal, President & CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
- Marcus Silberman, Co-Head, M&A for Latin America, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
- Marcos Troyjo, Co-Director, BRICLab; Adjunct Professor, International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
- Carlos Alberto Vieira, President & Chairman of the Board, Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
- Paulo Vieira da Cunha, Partner, VERBANK Agriculture Consulting
- Bruno M. Xavier, Partner on Secondment, US-Brazil Center, PricewaterhouseCoopers
*Additional speakers to be confirmed.
View the full agenda here.
Registration Fee: $300 for AS, BACC and COA members; $400 for non-members
Event Information: Ruthe Phillips | | 1-212-751-4691
COA Corporate Membership Information: Monica Vieira | | 1-212-277-8344