11 am to 12 pm ET

Heritage Foundation Online


11 am to 12 pm ET

Heritage Foundation Online



China’s growing role in Latin America and the Caribbean has been magnified and accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis, but even before the pandemic, China was moving beyond economic ties to advancing a comprehensive agenda for engagement. Now, urgent questions are being asked about China’s role in a regional recovery, and the shape of post-pandemic hemispheric relations. Is China the savior some are hoping for, and even promoting? What are the regional implications for economic recovery, democracy, and the rule of law of an increasing Chinese profile? Also, what can the United States do to support long-term prosperity and security in the Americas?

Join us as we explore these pressing matters addressing the China challenge in the Americas.

Keynote Speaker:

  • Bill Cassidy, U.S. Senator (R-LA)


  • Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, Council of the Americas, former White House Senior Advisor to the Special Envoy for the Americas
  • James Mulvenon, Director of Intelligence Integration, SOS International LLC
  • David R. Shedd, Visiting Fellow, Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, The Heritage Foundation, and former Acting Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
  • Ana Rosa Quintana, Senior Policy Analyst, Latin America and the Western Hemisphere, The Heritage Foundation (moderator)

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