7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Aperture Conversations: Mexico City
In this launch for the “Mexico City” issue of Aperture, artists will discuss photography in Mexico, from the conceptual to the political.
Celebrating the upcoming launch of the “Mexico City” issue of Aperture magazine, artists Iñaki Bonillas, Pablo López Luz, and Mayra Martell discuss photography in Mexico today, from the conceptual to the political. Each artist’s work is featured in the “Mexico City” issue, which illuminates the diverse image culture in North America’s largest metropolis and the ways Mexican photographers are pushing new visions in the medium. This event is moderated by the New York-based Mexican writer Álvaro Enrigue.
Event Information: Carolina Scarborough | cscarborough@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8367
Media Relations: mediarelations@as-coa.org | 1-212-277-8333
Membership Information: as-coa.org/CulturalCircle | membership@as-coa.org
Image: Iñaki Bonillas, Adiós fotografia (Bye bye photography), Mexico City (detail), 2018. Courtesy the artist and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City/New York