Registration: 6:30 to 7:00 PM
Program: 7:00 to 8:00 PM
Book Signing &...

(Image courtesy of Penguin Portfolio)
Book Launch: The 10% Entrepreneur, by Patrick McGinnis
What if there were a way to have the stability of a day job with the excitement of a start-up? In The 10% Entrepreneur, Patrick McGinnis shows you how.
Registration: Online registration for this event is now closed. You may register at the door starting at 6:30 p.m., space permitting. This event is complimentary.
What if there were a way to have the stability of a day job with the excitement of a start-up? All of the benefits of entrepreneurship with none of the pitfalls? In The 10% Entrepreneur, Patrick McGinnis shows you how, by investing just a tenth of your time and resources, you can become an entrepreneur without losing a steady paycheck. McGinnis explains the multiple paths you can follow to invest your cash, time, and expertise in a start-up—including as a founder, angel investor, adviser, or aficionado. Published by Penguin Portfolio, the book profiles entrepreneurs across the globe, including several entrepreneurs from Latin America.
Join AS/COA and the YPA for an evening with Patrick McGinnis.
- Patrick McGinnis, Author, The 10% Entrepreneur; Managing Partner, Dirigo Advisors; Steering Committee Member, YPA
- Susan Segal, President & CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
Event Information: Fernanda Luksic | | 1-212-277-8340
COA Corporate Membership: Monica Vieira | | 1-212-277-8344
AS Individual Membership: Felipe Marin | | 1-212-277-8342
Press Inquiries: Adriana La Rotta | | 1-212-277-8384
Cancellation: Please contact Juan Serrano-Badrena before 3:00 p.m. on Monday, April 18.