12–1 pm ET

Live Broadcast
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast


12–1 pm ET

Live Broadcast
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast



Paula Santilli (@p_santilli), CEO of PepsiCo Latin America, and Monica Bauer, vice president of corporate affairs at PepsiCo, will engage in a joint BRAVO Leadership Conversation and Women’s Hemispheric Network initiative to speak about the U.S. launch of their new book, A Woman's Guide to Power, Presence, and Protection: 12 Rules for Gaining the Credit, Respect, and Responsibility You Deserve.

The conversation, led by Patricia Menéndez-Cambó, general counsel at SoftBank Latin America Fund and Opportunity Fund, will take place during International Women’s Day and will be a platform to highlight advice for promoting women’s empowerment in the workplace and to share the important findings included in the book.

The book provides useful and actionable tools to help women continue to advance in the workplace and in society.

How to watch: The program will be live streamed on this page at the time of the event. No registration is required. Join the discussion on Twitter: #BRAVObiz | #WomenASCOA | @ASCOA

This conversation is part of the 2022 COA Symposium and BRAVO Virtual Series, as well as the Women’s Hemispheric Network. Building upon its 26-year tradition, Council of the Americas continues to provide access to leadership and promote collaboration among industry and social leaders through its BRAVO series. Similarly, through the Women’s Hemispheric Network, Council of the Americas brings together leaders and expertise to encourage rising young professional women between the ages of 22 and 35 to stay in the workforce and reach leadership positions.

Program Information: Yndira Marin at ymarin@as-coa.org or Ariana Molina at amolina@as-coa.org

Press Inquiries: mediarelations@as-coa.org

Sponsorship Opportunities: Mercedes Fernandez at mfernandez@as-coa.org

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