4–4:45 p.m. ET 

Live Broadcast
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast


4–4:45 p.m. ET 

Live Broadcast
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast



Gaston Bottazzini, CEO of Chilean retailer Falabella, shares his perspective on top issues driving the business community in Latin America and how they are shaping the current and future trajectory of his company.

Among the topics discussed are Falabella's digital transformation and the new organizational model in action across the region and the world. Additionally, Bottazzini will share some of the company's priorities in terms of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards and recruitment initiatives.

The conversation is moderated by Jorge Becerra, emeritus senior partner and senior advisor at the Boston Consulting Group, and was recorded on April 28, with a select group of CEOs and regional leaders in a private setting at COA's Miami office.

This conversation is part of the 2022 COA Symposium and BRAVO hybrid series. Building upon its 26-year tradition, Council of the Americas continues to provide access to leadership and promote collaboration among industry and social leaders through its BRAVO series.

How to watch: The program will be streamed on this page at 4 pm on Thursday, May 5. No registration is required. Join the discussion on Twitter: #BRAVObiz | @ASCOA

Program information: Yndira Marin at ymarin@as-coa.org or Ariana Molina at amolina@as-coa.org

Sponsorship opportunities: Mercedes Fernandez at mfernandez@as-coa.org

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