8:30 to 9:30 am ET

AS/COA Miami
2655 S LeJeune Road
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast


8:30 to 9:30 am ET

AS/COA Miami
2655 S LeJeune Road
Live Broadcast

Live broadcast



BRAVO Leadership Forums and Young Professionals of the Americas present a conversation on the exponential growth of Latin America’s fintech landscape with Gaston Irigoyen, co-founder and CEO of Argentine fintech Pomelo, and Ana Cristina Gadala-Maria, principal at QED Investors. They discussed Latin America's fintech infrastructure, opportunities for payments in the region, and Irigoyen's vision for the future of Pomelo.

The program was streamed on this page at 8:30 am ET on Friday, March 17. No registration is required.

In-person attendance is open to AS, COA, and YPA members only. Space is limited. RSVP to Cyndi Balladares at bravoprogram@as-coa.org.

Join the discussion on Twitter: #BRAVObiz | @ASCOA

Program information: Yndira Marin at ymarin@as-coa.org or Luciana Sabillon at lsabillon@as-coa.org   
BRAVO sponsorship opportunities: Mercedes Fernandez at mfernandez@as-coa.org 
YPA information and sponsorship opportunities: Pia Fuentealba at pfuentealba@as-coa.org

This conversation is part of the 2023 COA Symposium and BRAVO hybrid series. Building upon its 27-year tradition, Council of the Americas continues to provide access to leadership and promote collaboration among industry and social leaders through its BRAVO series.

This program is also the third edition of Young Professionals of the Americas’ Innovators Spotlight series, featuring young leaders who bring new approaches and solutions to real-world issues across all sectors.  


Gastón Irigoyen
Co-Founder and CEO, Pomelo

Gastón Irigoyen is co-founder and CEO of Pomelo, a fintech that has developed a new financial services infrastructure in Latin America. Pomelo allows any fintech, crypto, or digital transformation sector company (banking, retail, agriculture, education, etc.) to offer banking...


Ana Cristina Gadala-Maria is a principal at QED, where she focuses on international investments, particularly in Latin America. Ana Cristina is also the head of Fontes, QED’s $12 million fund for seed-stage companies in Latin America.

Prior to QED, Ana Cristina founded Mosaico, a...


Become a YPA member

Young Professionals of the Americas (YPA) members represent a diverse spectrum of professional sectors, including venture capital and finance, fashion, government, design, consulting, law, and the arts. Membership includes exclusive access to our networking and social events, such as private art fair tours, concerts, and intimate talks with industry leaders around professional development.

YPA currently has active chapters in New York, Miami, and Washington, DC.

Learn how to become a member.

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