11:00 am–12:00 pm New York

Live broadcast
A Conversation with the Pacific Alliance
AS/COA broadcast a discussion with the leaders of the regional bloc on topics such as a post-Covid recovery, innovation, and sustainability.
The Pacific Alliance as a platform for regional market coverage
The Pacific Alliance is a regional integration initiative focused on driving further growth, development, and competitiveness through free trade. Launched in 2011 and with an eye to the Asia-Pacific region, the alliance's four members—Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru—represent the eighth-biggest export force worldwide. In December 2020, Colombian President Iván Duque assumed the pro tempore presidency of the alliance.
AS/COA is pleased to webcast a live discussion with the leaders of the bloc on the future of work in the Pacific Alliance countries and the challenges posed by the current global climate.
La Alianza del Pacífico como plataforma para la cobertura regional de mercado
La Alianza del Pacífico es un mecanismo de integración regional enfocada en impulsar un mayor crecimiento y competitividad a través del libre comercio. Establecida en el 2011 con un enfoque hacia la región Asia-Pacífico, los cuatro miembros de la alianza—Chile, Colombia, México y Perú—representan la octava potencia exportadora a nivel mundial. En diciembre del 2020, el Presidente Iván Duque de Colombia asumió la presidencia pro tempore de la alianza.
AS/COA tiene el placer de transmitir en vivo y directo la conversación de los líderes del bloque sobre el futuro del trabajo en los países de la Alianza del Pacífico y los desafíos planteados por el actual panorama global.
Confirmed speakers
- Marta Lucía Ramírez, Vice President and Foreign Relations Minister of Colombia @mluciaramirez
- Andrés Allamand, Foreign Affairs Minister of Chile @allamand
- Pedro Francke, Economy and Finance Minister of Peru @pedrofrancke
- María Ximena Lombana, Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism of Colombia @LombanaXimena
- Luz María de la Mora, Undersecretary for Foreign Trade of Mexico @luzmadelamora
- Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas (moderator)
More speakers to be confirmed.
This event discussion will be in Spanish and interpretation will be available. No registration is required to watch the live broadcast.
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#APporLaReactivación #PAmovingForward | @ASCOA @A_delPacifico